Order contact REST API
An order contact is a person who is the primary contact for an order. The same guest can be both the order contact and order consumer.
The following table describes the order contact attributes:
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
Example(s) |
string (title case) |
The title of the order contact. |
string (title case recommended) |
The first name of the order contact. |
string (title case recommended) |
The last name of the order contact. |
string (lowercase) |
The gender of the order contact. |
ISO 8601 Date UTC |
The date of birth of the order contact. |
array of strings |
The email address of the order contact. | |
string (title case recommended) |
The nationality of the order contact. |
2 letter ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code (uppercase) |
The country where the order contact is currently living. |
string |
The passport number for the order contact. |
ISO 8601 Date UTC |
The expiry date for the order contact's passport. |
A JSON array of strings. |
The phone number of the order contact. |
N/A |
A JSON array of JSON objects. |
The list of identifiers for the contact. |
N/A |
object |
The guest resource linked to this resource. |
N/A |
object |
The order resource linked to this resource. |
N/A |
The following are identifier model attributes:
Attribute |
Description |
Type |
Example(s) |
Required/optional |
The identifier provider. |
string |
Required |
The identifier ID. |
string |
Required |
The expiry date of the identifier. |
ISO 8601 Date/Time UTC |
Optional |
The following are the standard response attributes:
Attribute |
Description |
Type |
Example(s) |
The resource fully qualified location Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). |
string |
The reference of the resource. |
string UUID |
Date and time when the resource was created in Sitecore CDP. |
ISO 8601 Date/Time UTC |
Date and time when the resource was updated in Sitecore CDP. |
ISO 8601 Date/Time UTC |