Audit endpoints
The list of available endpoints for querying audit indexes is available under /api/audit
You can also use the command line interface (CLI) and the tail command in particular to query logs.
The endpoint base address template is:
GET /api/audit/<index name>/query{/entityId}{?from,to,fullText,skip,take,sort,order}
The querying endpoints support the following parameters:
Name | Type | Sample value | Description |
entityId | Long | 9962 | Id of the audited entity (optional) |
from | DateTime | 2018-07-01T08:00Z | Start DateTime |
to | DateTime | 2018-07-02T08:00Z | End DateTime |
fullText | String | Asset | Full-text search phrase |
skip | Int | 0 | Paging: starts from given item index |
take | Int | 10 | Paging: shows given number of items |
sort | String | TimeStamp | Elasticsearch field to sort from |
order | String | Desc | Sort order: asc or desc |
Response example:
"items": [
... documents ...
"total_items": 15,
"returned_items": 10,
"next": {
"href": "<link to next page>",
"title": ...
"previous": {
"href": "<link to previous page>",
"title": ...
"self": {
"href": "<link to current page>",
"title": ...
Some endpoints have an additional set of parameters. The corresponding sections specify the differences.
The asterisk (*
) indicates that the URL expands into a list of key-value pairs, not a key with a list of values.
For example:
Uri.expand("{?userIds*}", { userIds: [1, 2] })
expands into ?userIds=1&userIds=2
not ?userIds=1,2
When in need of fetching more items than Elasticsearch (ES) querying allows, you need to use the scroll API. It allows paging only in one direction and works similarly to the entities scroll endpoint.
The endpoint base address template is:
GET /api/audit/<index name>/scroll{/entityId}{?scrollTime,scrollId,from,to,fullText,skip,take,sort,order}
Each scroll endpoint accepts the same set of parameters as its corresponding query endpoint.
The scroll endpoints support the following parameters:
Name | Type | Sample value | Description |
scrollId | String | DXF1..U1QQ== | Scroll id assigned by ES. This parameter is automatically appended to the next link in the response payload. |
scrollTime | TimeSpan | Raw | Determines how long the created scroll stays alive in ES. When not provided, the value is taken from the reporting section of the centralized configuration (default 5000ms). |
To place a download order for the entire log or its subset, use generation endpoints.
The endpoint base address template is:
POST /api/audit/<index name>/generate
The generation endpoints support the following parameters:
Name | Type | Sample value | Description |
audit_type | String | Raw | One of the following values: raw, business, scripting, action, or trigger |
format | String | csv | One of the following values: csv, json |
from | DateTime | 2018-07-01T08:00Z | Start DateTime |
to | DateTime | 2018-07-02T08:00Z | End DateTime |
filter | Dict | { "user_id": ["6"] } | A set of filters applied to the selected audit index |
Response headers:
Location: <url to download order>
Raw query
The raw query fetches the raw audit index that contains entities like property and relation changes.
The endpoint base address template is:
GET /api/audit/raw/query{/entityId}{?eventTypes*,definitionNames*,userIds*,properties*,relations*,culture,from,to,fullText,skip,take,sort,order}
The raw query endpoints support the following parameters:
Name | Type | Sample value | Description |
eventTypes | String | EntityUpdated | Type of audited event |
definitionNames | String | M.Asset | Entity definition name |
userIds | Long | 1211 | User id |
properties | String | Title | Filters by changes done on provided property |
relations | String | AssetToAssetMedia | Filters by changes done on provided relation |
culture | String | en-US | Culture for response data |
Example request:
GET /api/audit/raw/query?eventTypes=EntityUpdated
Example response:
"items": [
"event_type": "EntityUpdated",
"message_id": 56272,
"username": "SampleUser",
"data": {
"name": "User:6",
"definition": "User",
"version": 24,
"cultures": [
"is_new": null,
"user_id": null,
"usergroup_id": null,
"rules": null,
"property_changes": [
"property": "LastLoginDateTime",
"data_type": "System.DateTimeOffset",
"value": {
"original": "2021-04-19T09:26:43.3713536Z",
"new": "2021-04-19T09:34:32.018373Z"
"relation_changes": []
"audit_type": "Raw",
"target_definition": "User",
"target_id": 6,
"timestamp": "2021-04-19T09:34:32.053Z",
"user_id": 6
Business query
The business query fetches the business audit index.
The endpoint base address template is:
GET /api/audit/business/query{/entityId}{?logType*,raw,from,to,fullText,skip,take,sort,order}
The business query endpoints support the following parameters:
Name | Type | Sample value | Description |
logType | String | useraudit | Filters by the provided type |
eventTypes | String | user.login.success | Event type. Possible values: Created, Updated, Deleted, Enabled, Disabled, or Executed. |
createdBy | String | SampleUser | User who created the business entity |
modifiesBy | String | SampleUser | User who last modified the business entity |
username | String | SampleUser | User making the query |
definition | String | Definition of the business entity | |
raw | String | Raw Elasticsearch query (deprecated: parameter left for compatibility) |
Request example:
GET /api/audit/business/query?logType*==useraudit
Response example:
"items": [
"event_type": "user.login.success",
"created_by": "SampleUser",
"modified_by": "SampleUser",
"created_on": "2018-11-29T13:36:11.7964771Z",
"modified_on": "2021-04-19T09:45:25.1231815Z",
"username": "SampleUser",
"log_type": "useraudit",
"browser_information": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.72 Safari/537.36",
"geoip": {
"continent_name": "Europe",
"region_iso_code": "BE-VBR",
"city_name": "Halle",
"country_iso_code": "BE",
"region_name": "Flemish Brabant Province",
"location": {
"lon": 4.2345,
"lat": 50.7338
Business generate
The business generate endpoints support the following parameters:
Name | Type | Sample value | Description |
log_type | String | useraudit | Overrides the filter property to set the provided log type as a filter. |
Scripting query
The scripting query fetched the scripting audit index.
The endpoint base address template is:
GET /api/audit/scripting/query{/entityId}{?scriptType,scriptName,scriptContentId,scriptContentIdentifier,errorMessage,executionSource,id,eventType,severity,targetId,targetIdentifier,userId,from,to,fullText,skip,take,sort,order}
The scripting query endpoints support the following parameters:
Name | Type | Sample value | Description |
scriptType | String | UserPreRegistration | Type of script. Possible values: UserPreRegistration, UserPostRegistration, UserSignIn, MetadataProcessing, or ActionScript. |
scriptName | String | fooScript | Script name |
scriptContentId | Long | 1234 | Id of the script content entity |
scriptContentIdentifier | String | zfSGGTUNhkKVdY9U-z49iQ | Identifier of the script content entity |
errorMessage | String | Failed | Fragment of the error message |
executionSource | String | Automatic | Scripting execution source. Possible values: Automatic, Trigger, WebApi, Command, ExternalAction, or MassEdit. |
id | Guid | 0ccd58cf-c83f-42ba-907f-44d8950a20fd | Audit message id |
eventType | String | Created | Event type. Possible values: Created, Updated, Deleted, Enabled, Disabled, or Executed. |
severity | String | Warning | audit entry severity. Possible values: Debug, Warning, Info, Error, or Fatal. |
targetId | Long | 1234 | Id of the audited entity |
targetIdentifier | String | zfSGGTUNhkKVdY9U-z49iQ | Identifier of the audited entity |
userId | Long | 1234 | Id of the user who triggered the audit entry creation |
Request example:
GET /api/audit/scripting/query?scriptType==UserPreRegistration
Response example:
"items": [
"script_type": "ActionScript",
"script_name": "CMP - Create public links for linked assets",
"script_content_id": 30459,
"script_content_identifier": "gqQwt42TR0-H053IJPX5KQ",
"execution_time": 2343,
"execution_source": "Trigger",
"context_data": {
"data": {},
"execution_event": null,
"execution_phase": null,
"execution_source": "Trigger",
"execution_type": "OutOfProcess",
"result": {},
"target": "Asset",
"target_id": 31523,
"target_type": null
Action query
The action query fetches the action audit index.
The endpoint base address template is:
GET /api/audit/action/query{/entityId}{?actionType,actionPhase,executionType,executionSource,executionTime,messageId,retryCount,success,id,eventType,severity,targetId,targetIdentifier,userId,from,to,fullText,skip,take,sort,order}
The action query endpoints support the following parameters:
Name | Type | Sample value | Description |
actionType | String | ApiCall | Type of action. Possible values: ApiCall, ActionScript, AzureEventHub, ReportingChannel, PrintEntityGeneration, StartBpmAutomation, StartSmAutomation, AzureServiceBus, or MAzureServiceBus. |
actionPhase | string | Pre | Phase the action is executed in. Possible values: Post, Pre, Security, Validation, Audit. |
executionType | string | InProcess | Type of execution. Possible values: OutOfProcess or InProcess. |
executionSource | string | Trigger | Source of execution. Possible values: Unknown, Trigger, ExternalAction, Command, WebApi, MassEdit, or BPM. |
executionTime | Long | 234 | The elapsed execution time in milliseconds |
messageId | Long | 1234 | Message id |
retryCount | Int | 3 | Number of retries |
success | Bool | true | Whether the action was successful |
id | Guid | 0ccd58cf-c83f-42ba-907f-44d8950a20fd | Audit message id |
eventType | string | Created | Event type. Possible values: Created, Updated, Deleted, Enabled, Disabled, or Executed. |
severity | string | Warning | Audit entry severity. Possible values: Debug, Warning, Info, Error, or Fatal. |
targetId | Long | 1234 | Id of the audited entity |
targetIdentifier | string | zfSGGTUNhkKVdY9U-z49iQ | Identifier of the audited entity |
userId | Long | 1234 | Id of the user who triggered the audit entry creation |
Request example:
GET /api/audit/action/query?actiontype==ApiCall
Response example:
"items": [
"action_type": "StartSmAutomation",
"action_phase": "Post",
"execution_type": "InProcess",
"execution_source": "Trigger",
"execution_time": 8,
"target_name": "CMP - Content approval action",
"retry_count": 0,
"success": true,
"entity_id": 33232,
"id": "42e0ca85-87d1-437b-9df8-3decbadd1bf8",
"audit_type": "Action",
"event_type": "Executed",
"severity": "Info",
"target_id": 9878,
"target_identifier": "M.Action.CMP.Content.Approval",
"timestamp": "2021-04-19T10:42:09.8503118Z",
"user_id": 6