Mass Edit Target Object

Version: 3.3

A Mass Edit Target object contains the details for a Mass Edit Target. The following properties are present:

selfLinkA link to the resource for this Mass Edit Target
jobLinkA link to the Mass Edit Job resource that contains this Mass Edit Target.
entityLinkThe entity that is the target of this Mass Edit Job.
state_descriptionLabelsA description of the current state of the Mass Edit Job.
stateStringThe state of the Mass Edit Job. Possible values: Pending, InProgress, Completed.
conditionStringThe condition of the Mass Edit Job. Possible values: Pending, Success, Failure.
started_onStringString containing an ISO 8601 formatted date and time when this Mass Edit Job was started.
completed_onStringString containing an ISO 8601 formatted date and time when this Mass Edit Job was completed.


        "title":"This mass edit target."
        "title":"The Mass Edit Job that contains this target."

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