API reference

Version: 3.4

The following section provides the reference notes for the different cloud development tools.

SDK API referenceThe C# Web SDK is an external tool that makes it easier for C# developers to implement their own logic in manipulating the object resources.View Documentation
Web SDK API reference (extensions on top of the base SDK)The C# Web SDK is an external tool that makes it easier for C# developers to implement their own logic in manipulating the object resources.View Documentation
Scripting API referenceSitecore Content Hub allows users to integrate custom scripts in their business logic. Scripts can be manually triggered by end-users or automatically triggered by the application (e.g. using Triggers) depending on the script type and the use case. Sitecore Content Hub offers different script types, with each type having different context properties.View Documentation
Fluent SDK API referenceThe Fluent SDK builds on top of the Web SDK and Scripting and allows to perform certain operations in a fluent wayView Documentation
Javascript SDK referenceThe JavaScript SDK is an external tool that makes it easier for JavaScript developers to implement their own logic in manipulating the object resources.View Documentation
CLI referenceA command-line interface (CLI) processes commands to a computer program in the form of lines of text. The program which handles the interface is called a command-line interpreter or command-line processor. The CLI is used for communicating with Sitecore Content Hub™ instances through the REST API using the C# Web SDK.View Documentation

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