User post-registration script example
This is an example of a User post-registration script to be executed after a new user is registered to Sitecore Content HubTM. It adds the user to a specific user group if the external provider is Google.
Use case
- A new user is registered.
- The script checks if the provider is Google. In that case, the user is added to the Google user group.
using System.Linq;
if (Context.ExternalUserInfo?.Provider != "Google") return;
var query = Query.CreateQuery(entities =>
from e in entities
where e.DefinitionName == "Usergroup" && e.Property("GroupName") == "Google"
select e);
var googleGroupId = await MClient.Querying.SingleIdAsync(query);
if (!googleGroupId.HasValue) throw new InvalidOperationException("Google usergroup not found.");
var relation = await Context.User.GetRelationAsync<IChildToManyParentsRelation>("UserGroupToUser");
await MClient.Entities.SaveAsync(Context.User);
Script explanation
Include the libraries to be used in the script.
RequestResponseusing System.Linq;
Check the external user provider. only the 'Google' provider is of interest.
RequestResponseif (Context.ExternalUserInfo?.Provider != "Google") return;
Create a query that get the Google user group.
RequestResponsevar query = Query.CreateQuery(entities => from e in entities where e.DefinitionName == "Usergroup" && e.Property("GroupName") == "Google" select e);
TipFor more information about creating queries, please refer to the Script development section.
Execute the query to get the Google group Id.
RequestResponsevar googleGroupId = await MClient.Querying.SingleIdAsync(query);
If the user group cannot be found, throw an
.RequestResponseif (!googleGroupId.HasValue) throw new InvalidOperationException("Google usergroup not found.");
Get the user's user group relation.
RequestResponsevar relation = await Context.User.GetRelationAsync<IChildToManyParentsRelation>("UserGroupToUser");
Add the Google group to the user's object via the user group relation.
Save the user entity.
RequestResponseawait MClient.Entities.SaveAsync(Context.User);
Create a user group called "Google".
Create, publish and enable the User post-registration script with the source code above.