Edit an entity definition This functionality requires elevated permissions

Version: 4.1

Changing entity definitions also changes the structure of the data. Be careful when changing existing entity definitions. You can only delete an entity definition when there are no relations or taxonomies linked to the definition itself. All entities created under the entity definition you are deleting are lost.

To edit an entity definition:

  1. On the menu bar, click Manage .

  2. On the Manage page, click Entities.

  3. On the Entities page, next to the entity definition you want to edit, click Edit .

  4. In the top-right corner of the entity definition detail page, click Actions , and then click Settings.

  5. In the Edit definition dialog box, fill out the following fields:

    LabelEntity definition label. If left empty, the generic term {definitionLabel} shows wherever the entity label is used.No
    Display templateDefines what is shown in the Name column of the entities list page. You can include any entity member between brackets (for example, {Job.Type}) or plain text. If empty, the entity ID is used.No
    Taxonomy-enabled definitionIndicates that entities of this definition are taxonomy items, which can be used in a search facet. The definition used for the facet must be a parent of the searchable definition. For example, M.AssetType must be a parent of M.Assets for the asset type facet to appear on the asset details page.No
    Path-enabled definitionIndicates that entities of this definition can be part of entity paths.No
    Allow manual sortingIndicates that the items of this definition can be sorted manually.No
  6. Click Save.

  7. On the entity definition detail page, click Apply changes.

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