Filters tab

A filters limits the number of items displayed in search results. There are three types of filter:

  • Simple filters can be used to display entities with common characteristics (for example, assets of a specific asset type). With a simple filter entities appear in the results only if all defined filters apply to them.

  • Composite filters let you create more advanced searches by grouping multiple simple filters using and/or operators.

  • Fixed filters display the content related to the selected entity and only apply to details pages. You can apply this type of filter to the page entity, or to a related entity.


A fixed filter relies on dynamic data, such as the ID for the entity currently being viewed.

When you add filters, the following limitations apply:

  • You cannot filter an entity by a self relation.

  • You cannot filter an entity by its parents. You can only select children relations of the entity to configure the Search component.

  • You can only filter by relations linked to the entity definitions that you configured in the Search component.


If you select a parent taxonomy value as a filter, the list only shows entities with a relation set to the parent value.

Before you

Add a simple filter

Each simple filter represents a single condition. By default, single conditions that are not nested are resolved using an AND operator. You can change this by clicking Edit cog icon.

To add a simple filter:

  1. On the Layout tab, click the Search component to open its details page.

  2. Click the Filters tab and then click the System tab.

  3. Click Add filter plus sign.

  4. Select the Simple option and then choose one of the following filter types:

    • Definition - to filter on an entity definition only.

    • Property - to filter on a specific entity definition field and value.

    • Relation - to build a filter expression.

    • Selection - to filter on an entity definition selection pool where the entity is stored.

  5. From the Definition list, select a definition.

  6. Based on your choices, configure the additional parameters required for the filter.

  7. Click Save.

Add a composite filter

If you want to combine simple filters to create more advanced logic, you can use a composite filter.

Nesting simple filters inside a composite filter causes the nested filters to be evaluated together based on the composite filter’s operator, which can be one of the following:

  • AND operators are only satisfied if all the nested simple filters are satisfied

  • OR operators are satisfied if at least one of the nested simple filters is satisfied.


Every search component that uses filters has a top-level composite filter as standard, using the AND operator. You cannot remove this composite filter, but you can change its operator to OR if required.

To add a composite filter:

  1. If you haven't already done so, add the first simple filter.

  2. Click Add filter plus sign.

  3. Select the Composite option.

  4. Choose one of the following operators:

    • And - requires both of the adjacent simple filters to be satisfied.

    • Or - requires one or both of the adjacent simple filters to be satisfied.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Add the next simple filter.

  7. Repeat steps 2-6 until you've added all the required conditions.

  8. Click Save and close.

Add a fixed filter

Use fixed filters to render related content for a selected entity.

To add a fixed filter:

  1. On the Layout tab, click the Search component to open its details page.

  2. Click the Filters tab and then click the Fixed tab.

  3. Click Add fixed filter plus sign.

  4. In the INPUT section, define the following settings.



    Input type

    The input type of the filter, which can be Page entity or Related entity.


    For Related entity types, a list of relations defined in your solution.

  5. In the FILTERS section, depending on the chosen Input type, fill out the following settings.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Click Save and close.

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