ASP.NET Core SDK terminology

Version: 0.x (alpha public release)


This topic explains general concepts and terms used within the ASP.NET Core SDK.

ASP.NET Core middleware

ASP.NET Core middleware is code that affects an incoming HTTP request.

The Sitecore ASP.NET Core SDK includes middleware that injects Sitecore context into the request pipeline.

Experience Edge

Experience Edge is a service where XM Cloud content, such as webpages, site layout, navigation, and other elements, are published. Experience Edge delivers this content to various channels, such as web apps, mobile apps, airport check-in kiosks, email, SMS, wearables, AI-enabled voice assistants, VR headsets, IoT devices, and more.

front-end web app

A front-end web app, previously known as a rendering host or rendering app, is a web-based application that displays content to site visitors. The content, or layout data, is retrieved from XM Cloud that the app connects to using a Sitecore SDK, such as the ASP.NET Core SDK.

The front-end web app does more than just render content: it also handles user requests, routing, data fetching, and other Sitecore digital experience platform (DXP) capabilities.


GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with existing data. The Sitecore ASP.NET Core SDK uses GraphQL to retrieve layout data from XM Cloud.

headless development

Headless development is an approach to web development where the front end (the rendering logic or presentation) is separated from the back end (the content).

layout data

Layout data is a JSON object that represents the structure of a page or a component in Sitecore. The layout data is used to display the page in a front-end application. The ASP.NET Core SDK uses GraphQL to retrieve layout data.

model binding

Model binding is a standard ASP.NET Core feature that maps data from incoming HTTP requests to strongly typed models used in controller actions and views.

Sitecore ASP.NET Core SDK developers use model binding to connect data from the Experience Edge response to strongly typed model objects. This makes rendering model-bound views easy, and it allows developers to work with XM Cloud content in a more structured and type-safe manner.

Sitecore ASP.NET Core SDK

The Sitecore ASP.NET Core SDK is a Sitecore SDK that connects front-end web applications to XM Cloud in order to display XM Cloud content to app visitors.

XM Cloud

Sitecore XM Cloud is a SaaS CMS that delivers layout data in JSON format to front-end applications.

XM Cloud ASP.NET Core Starter Kit

The starter kit is a code base that’s intended to be the basis of most XM Cloud implementations for ASP.NET Core applications. It is open source, and available on GitHub. Using the starter kit ensures you get the most stable and up-to-date version of the assets, references, assemblies, and artifacts we recommend using when you start building a solution with XM Cloud.

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