View components

Version: 0.x (alpha public release)

ASP.NET Core view components are similar to partial views but more powerful. You can use view components to render custom logic where you access third-party data sources.

Typically, view components don't use ASP.NET Core model binding, and they only access data on demand. However, the ASP.NET Core SDK provides a service and base component to enable binding a model to the data that Experience Edge returns.

A view component consists of three files:

  • The Razor view

  • The view model class

  • The view component class

Build a view component

To build a view component:

  1. Bind a model in your view component in one of two ways:

    • Inherit from Sitecore.AspNetCore.SDK.RenderingEngine.Mvc, BindingViewComponent, then invoke BindView.

    • Inject Sitecore.AspNetCore.SDK.RenderingEngine.Binding.IViewModelBinder, then invoke an overload of Bind.

  2. Map the Experience Edge response to the view component with the AddViewComponent() extension method.


Here's an example view component. Note the following:

  • AddViewComponent("Styleguide-Layout", "StyleguideLayout") maps the Styleguide-Layout response component to the StyleguideLayoutViewComponent view component.

  • AddViewComponent(name => name.StartsWith("sc"), "OtherViewComponent") maps all response components prefixed with sc to the OtherViewComponent view component.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
  var renderingEngineBuilder = services.AddSitecoreRenderingEngine(options =>
      .AddViewComponent("Styleguide-Layout", "StyleguideLayout")
      .AddViewComponent(name => name.StartsWith("sc"), "Other")

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