The environment command

Current version: 10.2

The environment command helps you work with environment configurations using Sitecore CLI. The command allows you to show information about the current environment, show a list of environments, and set your default environment.


The structure for the Sitecore CLI environment command is:

dotnet sitecore.cli [options] environment [subcommand]


dotnet sitecore [options] env [subcommand]


You can use the following subcommands:

  • current - displays the current environment.

  • list - displays the environments from the user configuration file.

  • set-default - sets an environment in user configuration file as the default environment.

  • info - displays information about an environment.

The current subcommand

The current command displays the name of the current environment.

You can use the following options:



-c <configpath>, --config <configpath>

The path to the root sitecore.configdirectory.

Default: current working directory.

?, -h, --help

Help and usage information for the command.

Assuming your current environment is named default, this command displays the name of the current environment (default):

dotnet sitecore env current

The list subcommand

The list command shows all the environments defined in the configuration file.

You can use the following options:



-c <configpath>, --config <configpath>

The path to the root sitecore.config directory.

Default: current working directory.

?, -h, --help

Help and usage information for the command.

For example, to see all the environments defined in the user.json file, run the following command:

dotnet sitecore env list

The set-default subcommand

The set-default command sets an environment entry from the specified configuration as the default environment.

You can use the following options:



-n <environment-name>, --environment-name <environment-name>

The named Sitecore environment to use.

-c <configpath>, --config <configpath>

The path to the root sitecore.config directory.

Default: current working directory.

-t, --trace

Report additional diagnostic and performance data.

-v, --verbose

Report additional diagnostic and performance data.

?, -h, --help

Help and usage information for the command.

For example, to set the myEnv environment as the default environment, run the following command:

dotnet sitecore env set-default myEnv

The info subcommand

The info command displays information about a specified environment.

You can use the following options:



-n <environment-name>, --environment-name <environment-name>

The named Sitecore environment to use.

-c <configpath>, --config <configpath>

The path to the root sitecore.config directory.

Default: current working directory.

-t, --trace

Report additional diagnostic and performance data.

-v, --verbose

Report additional diagnostic and performance data.

?, -h, --help

Help and usage information for the command.

For example, to see information about a Sitecore environment named myEnv, run the following command:

dotnet sitecore env info -n myEnv

The response displays the name of the environment, the Content Management (CM) host URL, the version of the instance, and the installed version of Sitecore Management Services (SMS).

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