Access contact and interaction data from activity type
You can access the context Contact
being processed and an Interaction
, if the activity was invoked as a result of an interaction.
The Interaction
property will only be populated if the activity is being invoked as the result of an interaction. If an activity was invoked as a result of a contact facet being updated, the Interaction
property will be null. Check for null before using.
The following example demonstrates how to access the contact, the current interaction (if available), facets, and events in the context of an activity:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using Sitecore.Xdb.MarketingAutomation.Model.Processing;
using Sitecore.Xdb.MarketingAutomation.Model.Results;
using Sitecore.Xdb.MarketingAutomation.Model.Rules;
using Sitecore.XConnect.Collection.Model;
namespace Documentation.Examples
public class MidweekSalesReminder : IActivity
public IActivityServices Services { get; set; }
public ActivityResult Invoke(IContactProcessingContext context)
if (context.Interaction != null)
// Get event of specific type from CURRENT interaction
var purchaseEvent = context.Interaction.Events
.OrderByDescending(e => e.Timestamp)
.FirstOrDefault(evt => evt.DefinitionId == Guid.Parse("9FF6AB6D-AA45-4DDA-BFB3-674170BE2448"));
// Get web facet
var webFacet = context.Interaction.WebVisit();
// Get contact facet
var personalFacet = context.Contact.Personal();
return new SuccessStay();
Limit the amount of data that is returned
The number of interactions, interaction facets, and contact facets that are available is controlled by the contact loader. The contact loader is configured in the xConnect installation folder, in the \App_data\jobs\continuous\AutomationEngine\App_Data\Config\sitecore\MarketingAutomation
folder, in the sc.MarketingAutomation.ContactLoader.xml
By default, interactions from the last 30 days are returned:
<Type>Sitecore.Xdb.MarketingAutomation.Loading.FixedHistoryConfigurator, Sitecore.Xdb.MarketingAutomation</Type>
<As>Sitecore.Xdb.MarketingAutomation.Core.Loading.IContactExpandOptionsConfigurator, Sitecore.Xdb.MarketingAutomation.Core</As>
You must specify which contact and interaction facets are available by adding the relevant facet keys to the IncludeFacetNames
<!-- Contact facets -->
<Type>Sitecore.Xdb.MarketingAutomation.Loading.ContactFacetsConfigurator, Sitecore.Xdb.MarketingAutomation</Type>
<As>Sitecore.Xdb.MarketingAutomation.Core.Loading.IContactExpandOptionsConfigurator, Sitecore.Xdb.MarketingAutomation.Core</As>
<!-- Interaction facets -->
<Type>Sitecore.Xdb.MarketingAutomation.Loading.InteractionFacetsConfigurator, Sitecore.Xdb.MarketingAutomation</Type>
<As>Sitecore.Xdb.MarketingAutomation.Core.Loading.IContactExpandOptionsConfigurator, Sitecore.Xdb.MarketingAutomation.Core</As>
The AutomationPlanEnrollmentCache
and AutomationPlanExit
facets are required by the engine and are always available.
Load additional contact data on demand
It is inefficient to always load all facets for a contact or interaction, if those facets are only required by a single activity type which is not often used. Activity types implementations are granted access to an xConnect client through the Services.Collection
property of the activity type. This client can be used to load additional data without changing configuration for the entire engine.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using Sitecore.Xdb.MarketingAutomation.Model.Processing;
using Sitecore.Xdb.MarketingAutomation.Model.Results;
using Sitecore.Xdb.MarketingAutomation.Model.Rules;
using Sitecore.XConnect.Collection.Model;
namespace Documentation.Examples
public class CustomFacetEvaluator : IActivity
public IActivityServices Services { get; set; }
public ActivityResult Invoke(IContactProcessingContext context)
var contact = context.Contact;
// check to see if the "custom1" facet was loaded already
if (!contact.ExpandOptions.FacetKeys.Contains("custom1"))
var expandOptions = new ContactExpandOptions("custom1");
contact = Services.Collection.GetContactAsync(contact, expandOptions).ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
var facet = contact.GetFacet<CustomFacet>("custom1");
return new SuccessStay();