Using dedicated email dispatch servers

Version: 10.4

To speed up the message generation and sending process, you can use dedicated EXM servers.

There are multiple factors that may affect EXM performance. You can use the following recommendations to decide how many dedicated servers you need to get the most out of your EXM installation.

We recommend that you install one dedicated email dispatch server for your environment if you meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • You dispatch more than 100,000 emails per week.

  • Your emails are sometimes lightly personalized with xDB or third-party data.

  • Your content management server regularly has five or more concurrent users.

  • You do not have a dedicated xDB processing instance.

  • You have a low-powered SQL Server, or all your SQL databases are on one server.

  • You have SQL on the same physical or virtual hardware.

  • You are not using fast/SSD-based disks on any of your servers.

We also recommend that you install more than one dedicated email dispatch server if you meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • You dispatch more than 1,000,000 emails per week.

  • Your emails are regularly heavily personalized with xDB or third-party data.

  • Your content management server regularly has more than 10 concurrent users.

  • You do not have a dedicated xDB processing instance.

  • You are performing regular analytics reporting lookups.

  • You have moderate-to-large customizations on xDB Analytics & Reporting.


For high-volume environments – more than 1,000,000 emails per week – Sitecore recommends that you place the exm.master database on its own SQL instance (8core CPU, 8GB RAM).

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