Headless server-side rendering mode

Version: 22.x

To server-side render (SSR) a production JSS application outside of Sitecore, you can use the headless server-side rendering mode. It allows deploying and running your application on any platform that supports Node.js and Express, opening up inexpensive rendering engine scaling.

The rendering is performed by a Node.js server using popular platforms such as Azure App Service, Vercel, Netlify, or Heroku.

The application retrieves the data from a Sitecore Content Delivery server using HTTP requests to various Headless Services and APIs.

A headless server-side rendered JSS application has full Sitecore marketing and personalization support.

Ideal usages for this mode are decoupling the rendering of JSS applications from Sitecore and multi-channel API usage.

The following diagram shows the flow of requests from the browser to the Sitecore databases.

Flow of requests for JSS apps in headless server-side rendering mode.


To use the headless server-side rendering mode for a JSS application built with JSS for React, Angular, or Vue, consult the documentation for headless server-side rendering with sitecore-jss-proxy or headless server-side rendering using an Experience Edge for XM endpoint.

For JSS applications built with JSS for Next.js, consult the documentation for prerendering methods and data fetching strategies in JSS Next.js apps.

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