Install Experience Edge Connector using SIF
You can use SIF to install and configure the Experience Edge Connector module. There are the following prerequisites:
Sitecore Installation Framework 2.3.0.
A running Sitecore Experience Platform instance, version 10.2 or later.
Experience Edge Connector SIF Deployment configuration file. -
Sitecore Experience Edge Connector for Sitecore scwdp package.
To deploy the Sitecore Experience Edge Connector:
Use the
SIF configuration file. The SIF deployment deploys the connector into the Sitecore instance, applies the provided parameters to the Sitecore configuration files, and restarts the instance.
The following is an example of a script to do this:
Copy# The Content Management instance name
$siteName = "xec"
# Experience Edge connection string
$xeConnectionString = "url=;delivery_endpoint=;client_id=contoso;client_secret=secret;audience=;cdn_uri=;media_prefix=contoso/media"
# The root folder of the site location
$package = (Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot\\<Sitecore ExperienceEdge Connector scwdp package name>").FullName
$sitecoreParams = @{
Path = "$PSScriptRoot\\xec.json"
SiteName = $siteName
SitePhysicalRoot = $sitePhysicalPath
Package = $package
XEConnectionString = $xeConnectionString
Install-SitecoreConfiguration @sitecoreParams -verbose *>&1 | Tee-Object deploy-xec.log