Configure the Data Exchange service

Version: 8.2

After you perform steps 1 - 4, you should have the sample reference storefront site running with a sample AX Contoso base catalog that is included in SCpbMD package. If you need get catalog data from your own AX instance, please use the following steps to configure the data exchange service:

  1. Download and install the Sitecore.Commerce.DataExchange by using the Sitecore.Commerce.DataExchange update packages. Navigate to http://<your site>/sitecore/admin/UpdateInstallationWizard.aspx, and then follow the steps in the wizard to install the following items in the following order:

    1. Sitecore.Commerce.DataExchange.Core.8.2.*.update

    2. Sitecore.Commerce.DataExchange.Providers.DynamicsRetail.8.2.*.update

  2. Add the following into the web.config under /configuration/runtime/assemblyBinding/:

    <dependentAssembly name="System.Web.Razor" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">      
            <assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Razor" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35"
            <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/>
  3. Open the Content Editor, edit the following items, and save all of your changes.

    1. Open /sitecore/system/Data Exchange/Commerce Tenant/Pipeline Batches/Contoso Commerce Pipeline Batch. Select Enabled, and clear the last run and requested at fields. If you want to run Synchronization outside of Sitecore, make sure that the CanRunOutOfProcess property is also selected.

    2. Open /sitecore/system/Data Exchange/Commerce Tenant/Endpoints/Providers/Contoso Dynamics CRT Endpoint

      1. Clear the sync token.

      2. Specify the database server. The value should be the Dynamics AX instance URL, which must be accessible from where the Data Exchange console application is running.

      3. Specify the database. For example, the Dynamics AX Contoso Retail Store channel database name is retailcontosostore.

      4. If Integrated Windows Authentication is used, ensure that Trusted Connection is selected.

      5. Specify the port. For example, the Dynamics AX channel database port, 57500.

      6. Specify the user name and password. These are only needed if the SQL authentication is being used to access Dynamics AX channel database.

      7. In the Dynamics session, specify the Channel Id .

    3. Open /sitecore/system/Data Exchange/Commerce Tenant/Endpoints/Providers/Contoso File System Archive Endpoint . Ensure that the path where the XML file is saved is valid. This is the location where previously generated Commerce Server xml files are saved.

    4. Open /sitecore/system/Data Exchange/Commerce Tenant/Endpoints/Providers/Contoso File System Working Endpoint . Ensure that the path where the XML file is saved is valid. This is the location where the generated Commerce Server xml file is saved.

    5. Open /sitecore/system/Data Exchange/Commerce Tenant/Endpoints/Providers/Contoso Commerce Agent Endpoint. Ensure that the value of the "Site Name" field matches the name of the Commerce Server site that you want catalog data to be pushed to

  4. Download and install the Sitecore.Data.Exchange by using the Sitecore.Data.Exchange package. From the Sitecore desktop, navigate to Sitecore > Development Tools > Installation Wizard , and install Data Exchange Framework 1.1.*.zip.

  5. The actions that are performed during import are located at /sitecore/system/Data Exchange/Commerce Tenant/Pipelines/Sync Contoso Commerce Channel Pipeline . All the steps at this path are enabled by default, but you can temporarily disable a step and enable again it at a later time. For example, if you do not want to map the images for all products, then disable that step by clearing the "Enabled" check box for /sitecore/system/Data Exchange/Commerce Tenant/Pipelines/Sync Contoso Commerce Channel Pipeline/Map Images Step.

  6. The running of the synchronization can be controlled four ways:

    1. By using a Sitecore task located at /sitecore/system/Tasks/Schedules/Commerce Synchronization Pipeline Batches Schedule/. Any changes you want to make to the schedule of this template are done there.

    2. By using the console application that can be built as part of the SDK. The SDK is DataExchange.Commerce.Sdk.8.*. And you also need download the "Data Exchange Framework Remote SDK 1.1" and use the Sitecore.DataExchange.Remote.dll as reference for DataExchange.Commerce.Sdk.8.*

    3. By using the synchronization service that can be built as part of the.DataExchange.Commerce.Sdk.8.* and installed as a service. You must also download the "Data Exchange Framework Remote SDK 1.1", and use the Sitecore.DataExchange.Remote.dll as reference for DataExchange.Commerce.Sdk.8.*

    4. By clicking run pipeline batch under "/sitecore/system/Data Exchange/Commerce Tenant/Pipeline Batches/Contoso Commerce Pipeline Batch" inside the content editor.

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