Walkthrough: Upgrading the SFMCCE connector to version 8.0 in Docker

Version: 8.0

You can upgrade the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Content Exchange (SFMCCE) in a Docker container installation from version 7.0 to version 8.0. SFMCCE 8.0 is compatible with Sitecore 10.3.

You must upgrade your SXP installation to 10.3 and your SFMCCE installation to 8.0 together.

Before you can upgrade SFMCCE for container 7.0 to SFMCCE for container 8.0, you must have the following:

  • Sitecore Experience Platform (SXP) 10.2 deployed on Docker.

  • DCRM 6.0 deployed on Docker.

  • An up to date back up of the current mssql databases.

This walkthrough describes how to:

  • Build new docker images for SXP 10.3 and SMFCCE 8.0

  • Build an mssql-upgrade image

  • Perform the upgrade process

Build new Docker images for SXP 10.3 and SMFCCE 8.0

To build the SXP10.3 and SFMCCE 8.0 Docker images:

  1. Download the Sitecore container deployment package for 10.3 from the Sitecore download page. Extract it to your local workstation with the folder structure intact.

  2. Download the SFMCCE container deployment package for 8.0 package from the Sitecore download page. Extract it to your local workstation with the folder structure intact.

  3. Go to the Sitecore container deployment 10.3 folder on your local machine. Go to the folder for the Windows version and topology you are using, for example, compose\ltsc2019\xp1. Create a folder and name it module.

  4. Navigate to your Sitecore 10.2 container deployment folder. Copy the databases from the mssql-data folder and paste them into the Sitecore 10.3 container deployment folder.

  5. Open the Windows console, go to Sitecore Container Deployment 10.2 folder and run the following commands.

    docker-compose build
    docker-compose up

Build the mssql-upgrade image

To upgrade a Sitecore solution that has SFMCCE installed, you must build a custom mssql-upgrade image:

  1. From the Resource files for Modules 1.0.0 section on the Sitecore download page, download the SFMC - Content Exchange Upgrade resources package and extract it to your local machine.

  2. From the upgrade resources, copy the SFMC - Content Exchange Upgrade resources 1.0.0\7.0.0\Data folder and paste it into the upgrade folder for the Windows version and topology you are using, for example, ltsc2019\upgrade\xp1.

  3. In the SFMC - CE Upgrade resources 1.0.0\7.0.0 folder, create a docker file and name it Dockerfile. In the file, add instructions to point its base image to the 10.3 mssql-upgrade image. The file looks, for example, like this:

    SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]
    # ADD SFMCCE module
    COPY <Data folder local path>  "C:\data\ResourceItems\10.3.0\modules"

    In the Docker file, ensure that the ARG BASE_IMAGE value is pointing to the mssql-upgrade image and that the Data folder local path is set to the folder you created in step 1.

  4. To build the mssql-upgrade image with SFMCCE resources, open a PowerShell window, navigate to the folder where you placed the Docker file, and run the following command::

    docker build . -t <imageName>:<available port number> command
  5. Verify that Docker has created an image with the name you specified.

Perform the upgrade process

To perform the upgrade:

  1. On your local machine, in a PowerShell window, navigate to the Sitecore Container Deployment 10.3 folder. Navigate to the upgrade folder for the Windows version and topology you are using, for example, ltsc2019\upgrade\xp1.

  2. In the topology folder, run the compose-init.ps1 script. This script updates the environment configuration file with the appropriate values for all the environment variables including the SQL username, SQL password, SQL Server address, and the Sitecore license file.


    For more information about running the script to prepare for the deployment, see the Installation Guide for Developer Workstation with Containers on the Sitecore download page.

  3. In the docker-compose.upgrade.yml file, update the image setting with the mssql-upgrade image you created previously.

  4. Open a new PowerShell window with administrator rights. Navigate to the upgrade directory.

  5. To perform the upgrade, run this command:

    docker-compose.exe -f .\docker-compose.upgrade.yml --env-file .\upgrade.env up
  6. To check the status of the upgrade, run this command:

    docker-compose.exe -f .\docker-compose.upgrade.yml --env-file .\upgrade.env ps
  7. When the upgrade process is completed, you can clean up your environment.

    If you ran the upgrade container in Docker Compose, from the Docker Compose folder for the topology that you upgraded, for example, sitecore-xp1, run the following PowerShell cmdlet:

    docker-compose.exe -f .\docker-compose.upgrade.yml --env-file .\upgrade.env down

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