Marketing operations

Version: 10.4

Sitecore helps you organize your marketing activities in a meaningful, structured way. You can create and define campaigns, goals, and outcomes in the Marketing Control Panel.

A campaign is a promotion or advertising initiative designed to encourage people to visit your website. You can keep track of your campaigns in Sitecore by creating campaign activities. You can associate each campaign with a campaign group and channel.

A goal is an activity that visitors can perform on your website. You create goals to track and measure how visitors engage with the website and campaigns – both online and offline. You can assign engagement value points to goals, and then Sitecore calculates the engagement level of your contacts.

An outcome is the business significant result of a dialog between a contact and a brand. With outcomes, you can quantify your contacts based on the financial value they bring to your organization rather than by engagement value.

You can also use events to track visitor activity on a website. When Sitecore tracks events, it helps build up a more complete picture of a visitor’s behavior as they navigate your website. Sitecore Experience Platform comes with a number of default events, and a software developer can create additional events.

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