Marketing taxonomies

Version: 10.4

A taxonomy is a hierarchical structure that you can use to identify and organize information. In the Sitecore Experience Platform, you can use taxonomies to classify marketing activities, such as campaigns, goals, and events. You can apply taxonomy tags to these items in the Marketing Control Panel.

The four basic types of marketing taxonomies are:

  • Channels

  • Campaign groups

  • Assets

  • Venues

Marketing taxonomies allow you to track website activities on a more detailed basis, providing you with deeper insight into how contacts interact with your content. This information can help you optimize and refine your marketing strategies.

Using marketing taxonomies

Taxonomy tags provide you with a clear, consistent way to organize your marketing activities. Tagging content with taxonomy tags lets you track how contacts interact with your content. After you have tagged content, you can then use Experience Analytics to measure traffic, engagement value, and value per visit on your campaign groups and individual campaign activities. You can also view reports about how traffic and engagement levels vary across your marketing channels.

You can also use marketing taxonomies to create personalization rules that implement conditional renderings of components based on campaign groups, interaction venues or the channels a contact uses to visit your website. This helps you to provide contacts with targeted, relevant content that is based on the details that surround their visit to your website.

Create custom taxonomies

Sitecore XP includes channel, campaign, and asset taxonomies, but you can also define custom marketing taxonomies based on your business needs. These custom taxonomies enable you to organize the locations, channels and different types of campaigns that you have, giving you more control over how you track and organize your campaign activities.

You can create custom marketing taxonomies in the Marketing Control Panel and in the Campaign Creator.

Using marketing taxonomies, you can also create custom facets to describe aspects of campaigns, goals or assets. You can then identify your marketing activities using these facets, and track how contacts interact with these activities in xAnalytics.

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