
Version: 10.4

In the Sitecore Experience Platform (XP), venues are the locations where trackable offline interactions occur. These are physical locations where interactions happen, such as specific retail venues or bus stops.

You can use venues to record where particular interactions take place. This information is kept in the Experience Database (xDB). You can then use this information throughout the Sitecore XP to gain insight into where your marketing activities take place and how effective they are.

Venues and marketing taxonomies

You can create and organize venues in the Marketing Control Panel under Taxonomies. Here, you can create your own venue types, groups, and individual venues. You can use the venue taxonomy to precisely identify and track the content that contacts interact with offline, and where these interactions occur.

You can also create rules for venues that allow you to show personalized content to contacts based on which venues they use to interact with your organization.

Using venues

A contact walks off a train and into a train station. On their way through the station, they see an advertisement for a free pastry with the purchase of a coffee. To get the free pastry, the contact uses their mobile phone to scan a QR code located on the advertisement. This information is registered in the xDB along with the specific location and poster that the contact interacted with.

Once the contact has scanned the code, engagement plans and rules-based personalization are used to send a coupon to an application on the contact's mobile phone. When the contact then gets to the local store, they present the coupon on their mobile phone and receive their free pastry. The store's point-of-sale system registers the interaction and then relays that information back to xDB.

The points of interaction – the advertisement and the store – are venues. Interactions that happen at these venues, such as scanning the QR code and converting the goal by using it at the point of sale, can be tracked and identified in the xDB. You can then use this information to enroll contacts in engagement plans, show them personalized content based on their recent interactions, and use that information in xAnalytics to provide you with greater insight into how they behave and how they interact with your content.

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