Integrated GraphQL in JSS apps

Version: 22.x

With integrated GraphQL, the layout data format returned for a specific component by the Layout Service can be modified into the result of a GraphQL query. This means you can define a GraphQL query that defines the data you require to power a front-end component and then receive the data from that query as a property, such as props.fields for a React component. This gives you control over the data you receive, and the power of GraphQL if you require advanced data sources such as child items or CRM data.

In Sitecore, the GraphQL query is attached to a rendering in the GraphQL field Component GraphQL Query.

We recommend you use integrated GraphQL when:

  • Your component requires more data than the datasource template fields in the GraphQL schema.

  • The datasource template contains extra fields that you do not want to render.

  • You do not want to have any client-side GraphQL libraries such as Apollo. Integrated GraphQL requires no additional dependency other than JSS.

We recommend you avoid using integrated GraphQL when:

  • The component uses only content template field data. The default layout data output is sufficient without requiring GraphQL.

  • Your GraphQL query is not performant. For example, it aggregates multiple REST API calls behind the scenes. Integrated GraphQL blocks the app's rendering until all layout queries have been completed. We recommend you use Connected GraphQL to defer longer running queries until after the initial layout is rendered.

  • The component has to issue additional GraphQL queries in response to state changes. Integrated queries run only when the layout data is loaded.

  • The component has to run mutations (updates) or subscriptions (real-time data). In integrated GraphQL, you can only run queries.

When using integrated GraphQL queries, for the default and jss layout service configurations, values for $datasource, $contextItem, and $language are automatically injected.

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