Deprecated features in XP 10.4

Current version: 10.4

The following features are deprecated in Sitecore Experience Platform 10.4.

Sitecore Experience Commerce not supported for 10.4

There will not be a new version of Sitecore Experience Commerce released with Sitecore XP 10.4. This means that customers who have deployed Sitecore XC will not be able to upgrade their SXP/XC solution to 10.4.

We'll continue to support Sitecore XC releases up to 10.3 as described in the Sitecore Product Support Lifecycle. This includes corrective support and may include update releases as needed for the product and for 3rd party lifecycle support.

Sitecore OrderCloud, our headless, API-first commerce platform that is part of Sitecore's composable DXP, powers eCommerce, order management, and B2B2C marketplace solutions for Sitecore customers. While support remains available for existing XC versions, if you're looking to modernize your eCommerce you can learn more about how OrderCloud can complement your existing tech stack at and/or

PhantomJS support deprecated

The PhantomJS APIs have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

File explorer deprecated

The file explorer has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

MemoryMonitorHook class removed

The MemoryMonitorHook class was deprecated in XP 10.2 and 10.3, and has now been removed.

SXA: JSON template no longer supported

The JSON template used to define Scriban templates has now been removed.

SXA: AddThis rendering no longer supported

The AddThis rendering is no longer supported. More information is available in this KB article.

SqlServerBatchLinkDatabase provider removed

The SqlServerBatchLinkDatabase provider is no longer available in the Links table.

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