Create a Sitecore Content Hub action

Version: 5.2

You use a Sitecore Content Hub action to connect to an Azure Service Bus and post a message when a specified trigger is activated.

You can use two methods to create a Sitecore Content Hub action:

  • M Azure Service Bus. Use this to connect to an out-of-the-box Azure Service Bus on a Content Hub instance.

  • Azure Service Bus. Use this to connect to an Azure Service Bus.

Create an M Azure Service Bus action

To create an M Azure Service Bus action:

  1. In the Sitecore Content Hub, click Manage.

  2. Click Actions, and click New action

  3. Enter, for example, the following values:

    • Name: Sitecore

    • Type: M Azure Service Bus

    • Label: Sitecore

  4. Copy the Hub in and Hub out string values. You must have these in order to configure the Sitecore connection string as specified in Add connection strings for CMP to your Sitecore instance

  5. To save the new action, click Save.

Create an Azure service bus action

To create an Azure Service Bus action:

  1. In the Sitecore Content Hub, click Manage.

  2. Click Actions, and click New action

  3. Enter, for example, the following values:

    • Name: Sitecore

    • Type: Azure Service Bus

    • Connection string: enter the connection string for the service bus here. The connection string must be a connection string to the entire Azure Service Bus.

    • Destination type: Topic

    • Destination: hub_out

  4. To test the connection to the Azure Service Bus, click Test Connection.

  5. To save the new action, click Save.

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