The ItemService

Version: 10.0

The Sitecore ItemService provides a RESTful API that you use to interact directly with Sitecore items.

Sitecore.Services.Client ships with routes that are predefined to interact with the ItemService freeing you from doing any server-side development.

You can use the ItemService in the following ways:


The Sitecore.Services.Infrastructure.Sitecore.Controllers.ItemServiceController class implements the ItemService. The class is sealed so that other classes cannot inherit from it. We recommend that you run only one instance of the ItemService on a Sitecore website.

ItemModel return values

Sitecore.Services.Client maps Sitecore items into instances of Sitecore.Services.Core.Model.ItemModel when the ItemService returns them. The ItemModel instances contain the raw field values of the Sitecore item in a Dictionary<string, object> with the following additional keys:

  • ItemID

  • ItemName

  • ItemPath

  • ParentID

  • TemplateID

  • TemplateName

  • CloneSource

  • ItemLanguage

  • ItemVersion

  • DisplayName

  • HasChildren

  • ItemIcon

  • ItemMedialUrl

  • ItemUrl

Examples of ItemService requests

The following examples show how to use the ItemService RESTful API:


Query string

Get item


Get item including metadata


Get item including standard template fields


Get item with field projection




Search with paging and field projection


Get media item


Get item using the content path


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