The Links table

Version: 10.0

Sitecore maintains a database table called Links.The Links table stores all links between individual items across databases (Core, Master, Web) and language versions.

Sitecore updates this table based on events that are triggered when actions on items (item:copied, item:deleted, item:saved, item:versionRemoved) are triggered.

There are two implementations of the database provider for this table:

  • SqlServerLinkDatabase (the default)

    The default provider is configured in the Sitecore.config file. You can specify which database the links are saved in. The default is Core. The database name variable is defined in the Sitecore/CMS.Core/Sitecore.Variables.config configuration file.

  • SqlServerBatchLinkDatabase

    The main advantage of the SqlServerBatchLinkDatabase provider is storing new item links in Links table with help of batching. This improves performance considerably.

To use the SqlServerBatchLinkDatabase provider:

  • Enable the App_Config/Include/Examples/SqlServerBatchLinkDatabase.config.example file by removing the .example from the file name.


    When you enable the new provider, Sitecore removes all data from the Links table and the provider repopulates the table.

You may occasionally need to rebuild the Links table, for example, as part of the upgrade process.

To rebuild the Links table:

On the Sitecore Launchpad, open the Control Panel and in the Database section, click Rebuild link databases, select the Master and Core databases, and then click Rebuild.

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