xDB Processing Pools database
The xDB Processing Pools database performs the following functions:
Stores work items with IDs for newly created contacts and interactions. Work items are added by the xConnect Collection service and consumed by the xDB Processing role during live aggregation processing.
Acts as a retry mechanism for live aggregation, history aggregation and distributed processing by storing work items with IDs for contacts and interactions that could not be processed and should be retried. Work items are added by and consumed by xDB Processing role.
Supported infrastructure
You can host the xDB Processing Pools database on:
SQL Server
SQL Azure
Refer to the Sitecore compatibility table for compatible versions.
Reference structure
The xDB Processing Pools database has its place in the Sitecore reference structure. It can be referenced by other roles, and it can also reference other roles.

Referenced by
The xDB Processing Pools database is referenced by the following roles:
The xDB Processing Pool database does not reference other roles.
Privacy and security
Assuming default behavior, the xDB Processing Pools database does not handle personal data.