XP services configuration overview

Version: 10.1

XP services support environment-based configuration, which means you can use different settings for different environments. For example, you can disable HTTPS in your development environment and leave it enabled in your production environment.

The following table describes the folders containing the XP services configuration files:




Reserved for Sitecore use.

Contains configuration files for standard Sitecore components and features.


Do not modify configuration files in this folder directly.


Use this folder for the patch files you create in order to modify settings for all environments, such as a configuration for a custom calculated facet.

The folder is not created by the installation. When you create it manually and place patch files in it, Sitecore automatically loads the patch files.


Use the environment folders for the patch files you create to configure Sitecore for different environments, such as QA, production, or development.

For example, in a development environment, you can add a patch file that disables HTTPS.

<Environment> can be any string, for example, production or development.


It is best practice to avoid white space characters in the folder name.

Sitecore loads its configuration files in this order:

  1. Basic system files, such as AppSettings.config, ConnectionStrings.config, and web.config

  2. Configuration files in the Sitecore folder

  3. Configuration files in the Global folder

  4. Configuration files in the <Environment> folders

Sitecore goes through all the subfolders in each folder recursively, and loads the files in each subfolder in alphabetical order. Files in the root of a folder are merged before files in subfolders within the folder. For example, the file /App_Data/Config/Global/sc.mywebsite9.xml loads before the file /App_Data/Config/Global/Myfolder/sc.mywebsite1.xml.

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