Set up Commerce Connect

Version: 10.1

After you install the Sitecore Commerce Connect .zip package using the Sitecore Installation Wizard, you must complete the set up in Sitecore. If your external commerce system uses the product synchronization feature to store product data in Sitecore, you must also create a product repository to integrate the external commerce system with Sitecore.


For information about the availability of Product Synchronization, see

Create a product repository for product synchronization

After you have installed a connector to integrate Sitecore with an external commerce system that uses product synchronization, you must create a product repository. If the external commerce system does not use the product synchronization approach, skip this procedure.


Create only one repository that is shared across all your webshops. Use Divisions to indicate which webshop each product belongs to.

  1. In the Content Editor, in the /sitecore/Content folder, create a product repository item based on the Product Repository branch template in Templates/Branches/CommerceConnect/Products. The subfolders needed for product synchronization are automatically created.

    The Product Repository folder in Sitecore Content tree.

    If necessary, instead of placing the product repository in the Content folder and naming it Product Repository, you can specify a custom product repository name or change the location of the product repository.

  2. Copy the item ID from the Manufacturers item in the product repository (/sitecore/content/Product Repository/Manufacturers) and save it in a text editor (for example, Notepad). Repeat this step for the ProductType item (/sitecore/content/Product Repository/ProductType).

  3. In the Product template (/sitecore/templates/CommerceConnect/Products/Product), in the Source field for Manufacturer, enter StartSearchLocation=<itemid> where <itemid> is the Manufacturer item ID you copied in the previous step.

    The Product template in CommerceConnect template folder.

    Repeat this step for the ProductType item.

  4. Save the template.

  5. In the Content Editor, select the Product Repository item in the /sitecore/Content folder and click Synchronize all products. The product and master indexes are rebuilt during synchronization.

    The Product Repository item in the Content Editor.
  6. On the Publish tab, click the Publish drop-down arrow and click Publish Site.

    The Publish Site dialog box.
  7. In the Publish Site dialog box, select Republish and click Publish.

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