xDB software recommendations

Current version: 8.2

For each Sitecore Experience Database server instance that you install, you need the following software:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.

  • Windows Server 2012 R2 – recommended for most Sitecore instances, especially processing/aggregation servers.

  • MongoDB for the collection database, session storage, and tracking databases – when you install MongoDB, ensure that it runs as a service.

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 or higher for the reporting database.


You should also be familiar with the software requirements for a standard Sitecore CMS installation.


Sitecore neither supports nor permits multiple IIS web site definitions pointing to the same Sitecore web root.

You can find information on Sitecore XP compatibility with different versions of MongoDB in the Sitecore Knowledgebase.

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