Sitecore Cortex Processing Tasks database

Version: 9.1

The Sitecore Cortex™ Processing Tasks database temporarily stores tasks to be processed by the Sitecore Cortex Processing Engine service.

Supported infrastructure

You can host the Sitecore Cortex Processing Tasks database on:

  • SQL Server

  • SQL Azure

Refer to the Sitecore compatibility table for compatible versions.

Reference structure

The Sitecore Cortex Processing Tasks database has its place in the Sitecore reference structure. It can be referenced by other roles, and it can also reference other roles.

Illustration showing the Sitecore Cortex Processing Tasks database's place in the Sitecore reference structure.

Referenced by

The Sitecore Cortex Processing Tasks database is referenced by the following roles:


The Sitecore Cortex Processing Tasks database does not reference other roles.

Privacy and security

Assuming default behavior, the Sitecore Cortex Processing Tasks database does not store personal information. However, depending on your implementation, task data could potentially include sensitive data. For example, a xConnect search data source query might be where contact's first name is "Peter" and last name is "McSitecore". The Sitecore Cortex™ Processing Tasks database supports Always Encrypted.

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