Types of processing

Version: 9.2

This Privacy Guide provides technical guidance on how your developers can choose to configure your Sitecore product implementation to support you on your data privacy compliance journey. This guide does not provide exhaustive guidance, and should not be construed or used as legal advice about the content, interpretation, or application of any law or regulation. You, the customer, will always be in the best position to assess your own risks, and must seek your own legal counsel to understand the applicability of any law or regulation to your business, including how you process personal information. Your resulting implementation is based entirely on your own configuration choices.

This topic lists the types of processing that occur in the platform and describes the options for disabling processing for individuals that opt out or invoke right to restriction of processing.

Types of processing

The following features of the Experience Platform access or handle personal information in the context of marketing activities:

Refer to the Data flows and processing documentation for descriptions of all processing activities, including checkout.

Disable processing

Data subjects can opt out of processing or invoke the right to restriction of processing. The Sitecore platform provides the following functionality:

  • The Email Experience Manager excludes contacts from email campaigns if any of the following conditions is true:

    • The DoNotMarket property on the ConsentInformation facet is set to true

    • The ConsentRevoked property on the ConsentInformation facet is set to true

    • The contact’s e-mail address is on the suppression list

    • The contact belongs to the global opt-out list

The organization is responsible for the following:

  • Implementing processes or interfaces that allow customers to opt out of processing. See Right to object.

  • Storing a data subject’s consent choices as it relates to processing. See Right to object.

  • Disabling processing for individuals who have revoked consent - for example, by disabling tracking for that particular individual.

Options for disabling web tracking

Customization is required to disable web tracking for individual users. Options for disabling web tracking include:

  • Customize the <startAnalytics> pipeline to disable tracking and prevent cookies from being created on a per-request basis.

  • Create a device with a layout that excludes the helper (MVC) and redirect visitors to that device.


Customization is required to disable processing activities such as web tracking.

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