List of Sitecore XC Postman collections

Version: 9.3

Sitecore XC includes collections of sample API calls to the Commerce Engine that you can use to test or extend functionality. 

The following table lists all of the sample API calls (for use with Postman) included in the Sitecore XC release package.




Contains a Get Token API call to obtain a security token for communicating with the Commerce Engine.


Contains sample API calls related to cart and cart line functionality, fulfillment options and methods, and payment options and methods.


Contains sample API calls related to catalog functionality, including sellable items and pricing, as well as other catalog functions such as importing, exporting, and cloning. 


Contains sample API calls related to Composer View and Template functionality.


Contains sample API calls related to synchronizing content between the Commerce Engine and the Sitecore Commerce Control Panel. 


Contains sample API calls related to private and public coupons for storefront promotions. 


Contains sample API calls related to customer management functionality, including migrating and upgrading customer data. 


Contains sample API calls related to entitlement functionality.


Contains sample API calls related to inventory management functionality, including importing and exporting inventory sets. 


Contains sample API calls related to order management, including holding and canceling orders, and requesting Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA).


Contains sample API calls related to pricing functionality, including price book and price card management, as well as price snapshots and price tiers. 


Contains sample API calls related to promotions functionality, including promotion books and promotion creation and approval. 


Contains sample API calls related to search functionality across Commerce Engine entities, such as orders and customers, as well as functions related to search indexes. 


Contains sample API calls related to retrieving information about deployed storefronts.


Contains sample API calls related to DevOps functions, such as bootstrapping the Commerce Engine, cleaning and initializing the environment, running minions, and cache management.

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