Add connection strings for CMP to your Sitecore instance

Version: 5.0

After you have installed the Sitecore Connect for Content Hub package, you must configure the connection strings for the Content Management Platform (CMP).

To add the connection strings:

  1. On your Sitecore instance, open the C:\inetpub\<site>\App_Config\ConnectionStrings.config file. Add the following connection strings:

    • <add name="CMP.ContentHub" connectionString="ClientId={client_id};ClientSecret={client_secret};UserName={username};Password={password};URI={uri};" />

    • <add name="CMP.ServiceBusEntityPathIn" connectionString="{Azure Service Bus connection string with outcoming topic}" />

    • <add name="CMP.ServiceBusSubscription" connectionString="{Subscription name}" />

    • <add name="CMP.ServiceBusEntityPathOut" connectionString="{Azure Service Bus connection string with incoming topic}" />

  2. Open Sitecore Content Hub. On the ribbon, click Manage, click OAuth Clients, click LogicApp, and click Edit. Make a note of the Client id and Client Secret settings.

  3. In the connection strings, insert the following values:

    • Client id and Client Secret - enter the LogicApp settings you obtained in the previous step.

    • User Name and Password - these fields must correspond to the values in the Sitecore Content Hub for the user that you created.

    • URI - set the URI to Sitecore Content Hub.

    • Incoming topic - set the connection string for the Azure Service Bus and set the name for the topic of the messages posted by the Sitecore Content Hub, posted after the trigger is fired.

    • Subscription name - set the name of the subscription.

    • Outgoing topic - set the name of the topic of the messages posted to the Azure Service Bus after content is imported to Sitecore.

  4. If you are using the M Azure Service Bus action, insert the following values:

    • CMP.ServiceBusSubscription - set the value to hub_out_subscription.

    • CMP.ServiceBusEntityPathOut - add the Hub in value you copied when you created the action.

    • CMP.ServiceBusEntityPathIn - add the Hub out value you copied when you created the action.

  5. After you set or adjust the connection strings, restart the Sitecore website.

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