GUID value matches apply mapping rule

Current version: 3.0

You use this rule to ensure that a value is a GUID and that it either matches or does not match specified GUIDs.


Expected type of the value being written to the target object


Template location

Data Exchange/Framework/Data Access/Apply Mapping Rules/Guid Value Matches Mapping Rule


Template fields


Field name


Required Source Values

The value read from the source object must match one of the specified GUIDs.

Disallowed Source Values

The value read from the source object must not match any of the specified GUIDs.

Source Value Transformer

The value read from the source object is transformed using this component before it is compared to the required and disallowed source values.

Required Target Values

The value read from the target object must match one of the specified GUIDs.

Disallowed Target Values

The value read from the target object must not match any of the specified GUIDs.

Target Value Transformer

The value read from the target object is transformed using this component before it is compared to the required and disallowed target values.


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