Include a link to the online version of a message

Version: 10.0

You can add a link to the online version of a newsletter or email so that recipients can view the content in a browser or share the link.

To add a link in an email to the online version:

  1. Open the \sitecore modules\Web\EXM\layouts\Blocks\PreviewBlock.cshtml file.

  2. Add a link using the syntax shown in the following example:

    <a href="/[email protected]&[email protected]&@GlobalSettings.OnlineVersionQueryStringKey=1">
        View online version

    If you update the PreviewBlock.cshtml file in this way, the link will be added in all emails. This is because all the templates share this file.

The online version of an email message:

  • Is created automatically when the message is created.

  • Is personalized – all the tokens in the message are replaced with the relevant values.

  • Does not contain a link to the online version. EXM recognizes an online copy automatically and does not render controls that are not relevant.

    The online version of an email message.

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