Testing EXM performance in emulation mode

Version: 10.4

EXM enables you to test campaign throughput by emulating a message transfer agent (MTA). MTA emulation lets you mimic the round-trip time required to send an email from the Sitecore CMS to the MTA.

Emulation can be configured in two modes:

  • Emulation for a single message

  • Emulation for the server-level dispatch

Emulation for a single message

In the Content Editor, you can select this mode for a specific message on the Content tab, in the Options section.

Content Editor Content tab Emulation check box.

You can also select the emulation mode for a single message using the Delivery Options dialog in the EXM user interface:

Email Experience Manager Delivery tab showing the Delivery options.

The emulation sending mode does not move the message to the Sent state – the message status changes back to Drafts after the process has completed.

The emulation sending mode is not available for message variants when you run an A/B test.

Emulation for the server-level dispatch

You can configure emulation for the server-level dispatch mode with the MtaEmulation.Active setting in the Sitecore.EmailExperience.ContentManagement.config file.

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