This table lists the use, (default) value(s), and description of the attributes of the Book element.
Attribute |
Use |
Values (default is bold) |
Description |
Name |
Implied |
The name of the item. | |
SitecoreID |
Implied |
The unique ID of the item. | |
CreateBook |
Implied |
True False |
If true, then the Publishing Engine will merge all documents into one book. |
UpdateBook |
Implied |
True False |
Only used internally by the InDesign Connector plug-in. If true, it updates the book numbering. |
BookFilename |
Implied |
The relative path (c:\..\name.indd) to the book file on the server. IDC will use this path to download the book file on the client. | |
PDFFilename |
Implied |
The full path (c:\..\name.pdf) of the pdf version of the InDesign book. | |
ExportPDF |
Implied |
True False |
If true, a PDF file of the book is created. |
ExportSWF |
Implied |
True False |
If true, the book file is exported to SWF format. |
SWFFilename |
Implied |
The relative path (c:\..\name.swf) to the SWF file on the server. | |
PDFExportSetting |
Implied |
Smallest File Size |
The setting for the quality and size of the exported pdf file. If publishing has been started with a processing job, the value comes from this processing job. Otherwise the value comes from setting in the project item - "High res setting"/"Low res setting". |
Repaginate |
Implied |
Obsolete. | |
PrintBook |
Implied |
True False |
Sets whether the published pdf file will be printed by the default printer. |
PrintPreset |
Implied |
The printer settings to use when printing the book using PrintBook. | |
PageOrder |
Implied |
Odd Even Previous |
PageOrder sets the Page Order in Book Page Numbering Options. It is used only if UpdateBook is not "False". Odd: Continue on next odd page. Even: Continue on next even page. Previous: Continue from previous document. |
BlankPage |
Implied |
True False |
If true, blank InDesign page is added to document. |
AutoUpdate |
Implied |
True False |
If true, the book file is updated according to page order. |
UseHighRes |
Implied |
True False |
If true, HighResSrc full dos path (c:\..\name.tiff) is used for publishing. If false, LowResSrc full dos path (c:\..\name.gif) is used for publishing Value is set from PrintOptions.UseHighRes. If publishing is started from InDesign plugin, value is passed depending on Use High/Low Resolution Images. If publishing is started with processing job, value is passed depending on "Use High Resolution" field value. |
ConvertVars |
Implied |
True False |
If true, index variables are converted to text. |
PageCurl |
Implied |
True False |
If true, page curl is enabled. |
SpineGradient |
Implied |
True False |
If true, the page spine gradient is shown even when no page curl is in progress. |
ShowCornerTease |
Implied |
True False |
If true, a teaser animation is shown if a user hovers over a corner. |
EdgePercentage |
Implied |
[0,100] 50 |
Real value that indicates the percentage of width/height for grabber area size. |
CurveQuality |
Implied |
[0,100] 80 |
Sets the curve quality for the export. |
MediaHandling |
Implied |
IncludeAll AppearanceOnly |
Sets the preferred method for handling dynamic media page items. |
FrameRate |
Implied |
[0,100] 24 |
Frame rate for the generated SWF. |
GenerateHTML |
Implied |
True False |
If true, an HTML file is generated. |
TranspBack |
Implied |
True False |
If true, keeps the background transparent (in this case, page curl is not possible). |
IncludePreloader |
Implied |
True False |
If true, shows preloader. |
JpegQuality |
Implied |
Minimum Low Medium High Maximum |
Sets the JPEG quality. |
Compression |
Implied |
Automatic Lossless JPEG |
Sets the compression. |
Resolution |
Implied |
0 .. ¥ 72 |
Sets the preferred raster resolution for the flash export for raster images (values in ppi). |
Spreads |
Implied |
True False |
true: exports as reader's spread False: exports as pages. |
Threshold |
Implied |
[72,300] 72 |
Sets the raster resolution threshold. Raster images whose rendered resolutions exceed this value will be resampled using the resampling algorithm specified by ResamplingType. The values are in ppi. |
ResamplingType |
Implied |
None Average Subsample Bicubic |
Sets the algorithm to be used for resampling raster images that exceed the specified resolution threshold. |
Sizing |
Implied |
Scale Size FitTo |
Sets the scale and fit settings for the export. Scale: set scaling percentage Size: sets to fit in a bounding box with dimensions specified in Width and Height attributes, FitTo: sets to fit in a bounding box specified in FitToValue attribute. |
FitToValue |
Implied |
1280 x 800 1024 x 748 984 x 588 800 x 600 760 x 420 640 x 480 600 x 300 |
Indicates which predefined bounding box to fit to when Sizing is "FitTo". |
Width |
Implied |
[10, 4096] 100 |
Width to use in fitting and scaling when Sizing is "Size". |
Height |
Implied |
[10, 4096] 100 |
Height to use in fitting and scaling when Sizing is "Size". |
ScaleValue |
Implied |
[1,1000] 100 |
Scale percentage to use in fitting and scaling when sizing is "Scale". |
TextExport |
Implied |
Vectorize Live Rasterize Vellum |
Sets the text export policy for all text frames that specifies how the text is displayed in the exported file. |
Transparency |
Implied |
Ignore Flatten Native |
Sets the preferred method for handling transparency on a page or spread, if it exists. |
UseNetwork |
Implied |
True False |
If true, network access in generated SWF is allowed. |
ViewAfterExport |
Implied |
True False |
If true, allows view of the generated SWF file after exporting. |