Configure the Bootloader module for a Sitecore deployment

Version: 2.2

The Bootloader module is a tiny module that facilitates the installation of supported Sitecore modules. You must always add the Bootloader module to the modules parameter of your Sitecore App Service deployment when installing other modules.

To configure the Bootloader module:

  1. Locate the WebDeploy package (WDP), which is the of the Bootloader module in resources\<version to be deployed>\addons folder of your Sitecore Azure Toolkit installation.

  2. Upload the WDP to the storage account and note the URL of the package because you will need to add it to the snippet in step 4. If you are running Sitecore 8.2.7, then in step four change the parameter value to: bootloaderMsDeployPackageUrl.


    Sitecore version 8.2.7 uses an ARM template that has already configured the bootloader by default, so if you are running Sitecore 8.2.7 ignore the following steps, (3, 4, and 5),

  3. On Github, in the addons folder of your Sitecore version and environment configuration, locate the bootloader.jsontemplate.

  4. Add the following snippet to the modules parameter of your azuredeploy.parameters.json file:

    {"modules": {"value": {"items": [{"name": "bootloader","templateLink" : "<link to the Bootloader template>","parameters": {"msDeployPackageUrl" : "<link to the Bootloader WDP>"}}]}}}
  5. Populate the parameters for the Bootloader module:

    • For templateLink, go to Github and use the URL of the bootloader.json template for your particular topology. You can also upload the template to your storage account.

    • For msDeployPackageUrl, use the URL of the WDP package for the Bootloader module.

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