Configure the Media Library for an SXA site

Version: 10.0

The Media folder in SXA sites (sitecore/Content/<tenant>/<site>/Media) is a scoped view of the Media Library folders available for the site. This view lets you determine which media items are available for your content editors for this particular site. This means that content editors can select media items that are relevant for the site rather than having to search through the complete Sitecore Media Library.

By default, when you add a site using the Site creation wizard, the following Media Library folders are added to the site's Media folder:

  • The virtual folder on a site level (sitecore/Content/<tenant>/<site>/Media) by default contains two folders:

    • Site folder - contains the items available for this site only.

    • Shared folder - contains the items available for all sites within the tenant.

  • The actual folder on the Media Library level: sitecore/Media Library/Project/<tenant>. You can upload images here.

You can also make other folders from the Sitecore Media Library available to the content editors.

To add Media Library folders to your site Media folder:

  • In the Content Editor, navigate to sitecore/Content/<tenant>/<site>/Media and in the Virtual section in the Additional Children field, move the relevant folder to the Selected field and click Save.

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