Recommendations: Enhancing SXA performance

Version: 1.8

This topic describes the following recommendations to improve the load time of your pages.

Set HTML caching settings for renderings

Consider configuring the rendering's HTML caching settings to improve the visitor’s experience. SXA provides a rich and configurable HTML caching layer including donut caching for renderings. With SXA, you can cache the whole of your page apart from a single rendering or two that you want to personalize.

Limit the number of renderings on a page

Do not use too many renderings on a page; we recommend absolutely no more than 30. Having too many editable renderings on a single page can slow down the Experience Editor. Consider putting all common elements used across multiple pages in partial designs

Disable content testing for editors who do not require that functionality

Content testing uses scheduled tasks for different actions, such as rebuilding testing indexes. If you do not use this feature, disable content testing to avoid unnecessary server load. Content testing is a major contributor to the time the Experience Editor requires to render a page for editing.

During the site development or if you do not plan to use content testing, switch off this functionality using a config patch. Do not place users who  are not expected to start tests in the Analytics Testing role. The Experience Editor does not load the Content Testing UI for those users.

Verify that you have enabled the Asset Optimizer

The SXA Asset Optimizer improves the end-user experience by optimizing CSS styles and JavaScript, and reducing the amount of data that needs to be transferred. Ensure that the Asset Optimizer is enabled for your site to limit the number of round trips to the serve in a production environment.

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