Enable direct navigation

Version: 9.2

Prior to Sitecore 9.1, the wildcard approach was the recommended method for handling catalog URLs. With the introduction of direct navigation, Sitecore displays the catalog item directly. As a result, the presentation, page events, goals, analytic profiles, campaigns, and personalization are all available from the catalog item, which means each category and product in the catalog can be unique in terms of presentation and analytics.


To enable direct navigation on a site created prior to Sitecore 9.1, you must configure it.

To enable direct navigation:

  1. On the Sitecore Launchpad, click Content Editor.

  2. In the Content Editor, navigate to the sitecore/Commerce/Commerce Control Panel/Storefront Settings/Storefronts/<site>/Catalog Configuration item.

  3. On the Content tab, in the Commerce Control Panel section, select the Use Direct Navigation check box.

  4. Re-publish the storefront.


By default, direct navigation is turned off for existing sites. For new sites, it is enabled by default.

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