Tag content using Sitecore Cortex Content Tagging

Version: 9.2

Sitecore CortexTM Content Tagging offers an easy and accurate way to tag the people, places, products, companies, facts, and events that are mentioned in your content. This increases the value, accessibility, and interoperability of your content. The Sitecore Cortex Content Tagging feature integrates the Sitecore CMS with machine learning (ML) based natural language processing (NLP) engines like Refinitiv Intelligent Tagging Open Calais. This enables Sitecore to send content to an NLP platform. The NLP engine processes the content and returns semantic metadata to Sitecore. Sitecore uses the metadata to tag content with user-defined taxonomy.

If you have permission to edit an item, and if an administrator has configured content tagging for your solution, you can run the content tagging process on the item in either the Content Editor or the Experience Editor. However, you can only see the results in the Content Editor.

To tag content using Sitecore Cortex Content Tagging, in the Experience Editor or the Content Editor:

  • Navigate to the item that you want to tag. On the Home ribbon, in the Content Tagging group, do one of the following:

    • To tag the current item, click Tag item.

    • To tag the current item and its subitems, in the Content Editor, click the Tag item drop-down arrow, and then click Tag item and subitems.

    Sitecore displays a message window with a progress indicator while content tagging is in process. When the message window closes, the process is complete and you can verify that tags have been added to the item.

  • To verify that tags have been added to the item, select the item in the Content Editor. In the Tagging section, check that the Semantics field contains tags. 

    The Tagging section in the Content Editor

    The Semantics field is a standard field, so it will only be visible if Standard fields is selected on the View tab.

Video: Using Sitecore Cortex Content Tagging

You can watch this video from the Discover Sitecore channel for a demonstration of how you can use Sitecore Cortex Content Tagging to quickly tag items in your content structure.

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