Create a regular email campaign for recommended products

Current version: 9.3

Using the List Manager and segmentation rules, you can create a regular email campaign to send recommended products to customers who purchased a specific product. You can customize the data provider used to determine recommended products.

You can also create an automated email campaign for recommended products.


Commerce interaction data is retrieved from the CommerceInteractionsCache facet.

In order for images to display in the rendered email, you must first, in the Content Editor, go to sitecore/Content/<tenant>/<site> and click <site> Emails. On the Content tab, in the Message Generation section, click the Embed Images check box to select it, and save your changes.

To create a regular email campaign for recommended products:

  1. Create a segmented list using the List Manager. Alternatively, you can do this from the Recipients tab in the email campaign builder.

  2. On the Sitecore Launchpad, click Email Experience Manager.

  3. From the Change Root Manager list in the upper-left corner, select the email folder for the storefront site (for example, Storefront Emails).

  4. To the right of the application window, click Default settings and, in the Default Settings dialog box, define the following parameters, and then click OK. At a minimum, specify the Base URL and the From email parameters.




    Base URL

    The website address of the Content Delivery server.This URL is used in all the links in the email message and is a mandatory setting.

    Preview base URL

    In a scaled environment, internal links from test email messages point to the Base URL by default.To point the links to a different server, specify its URL in this setting.

    From email

    The email address that you want to appear in the From field of your email messages.

    [email protected]

    From name

    The name that you want to appear as the From name on your email messages.

    Reply to

    The email address that you want the replies from recipients sent to.

    Global opt-out list

    A static contact list that contains contacts who click the Unsubscribe from all link. The contacts in this list never receive another email message from EXM, even if the contact appears in a list that you have included in an email campaign.

  5. In the left pane, click Create and, in the Create email campaign window, click Regular email campaign.

    Create email campaign window.
  6. In the Regular email campaign dialog box, click the Recommended Product template and then click Create.

    Regular email campaign templates.
  7. On the Recipients tab, select the recipient include and exclude lists.

  8. On the Message tab, click in the body of the message, modify the text as required, click the recommended products rendering and, on the Email product recommendation toolbar, click More, Edit Component Properties.

  9. In the Control Properties dialog box, in the General section, click the Browse hyperlink for the data source, and define the recommended products search query, click OK and then click Save and Close.


    If you do not define a recommended products search query, the recommended products are determined based on the last order placed by the customer.

  10. On the Delivery tab, choose the delivery schedule and define notification settings.

  11. Click the Personalization check box to render personalized content if your email contains, for example, rule-based personalization or code-behind layout personalization.

  12. To send the email message to all contacts (ignoring suppression lists, opt-out lists, and sending limits), select the Classification check box and then click Send campaign.

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