Sitecore XC Business Tools

Version: 9.3

Sitecore Experience Commerce (XC) is an enterprise-grade commerce solution that delivers a personalized experience throughout the customer lifecycle.

Sitecore XC Business Tools are integrated with other Sitecore Experience tools to provide you with ways to develop, deploy and manage e-commerce storefronts:

  • Sitecore Experience Accelerator (SXA) Storefront is a storefront solution for creating B2C e-commerce solutions. SXA Storefront contains commerce-specific components, including a webshop template built with Commerce functionality for SXA, the sample Habitat catalog, and sample themes.

  • The Experience Editor on the Sitecore Experience dashboard enables you to  create personalization rules so you can deliver targeted content to your customers. For example, you can create rules that give first-time customers a 15%-off coupon, give return customers free shipping on their order, or give specific discounts to different social media channels. For more information, download the 10 personalization tactics white paper.


For an overview of what's new in the Sitecore XC Business Tools, see Discover Sitecore.

Sitecore XC Business Tools provide six key e-commerce features:

Catalog and sellable item management

The Merchandising tool uses the term sellable item to refer to tangible and non-tangible products.  For example, a set of headphones (tangible) and a warranty plan (non-tangible) are sellable items.  Digital products such as song tracks and e-cards are another common example of non-tangible sellable items.

You can add sellable items to multiple catalogs, categories, and inventory sets, and have multiple promotions applied.  Examples of what you can do include:

  • Define a product with variations; for example, the same shirt can have different colors.

  • Add tags to sellable items as a flexible way to segregate groups of sellable items in addition to them being contained in catalogs and categories.

  • Create catalogs that display on your website in different languages and currencies.

  • Establish category hierarchies and relationships between categories and sellable items that are in the same catalog or in different catalogs.

Inventory management

You can create and manage multiple inventory sets. For example, you can:

  • Attach inventory sets to multiple storefronts.

  • Allocate different quantities of the same sellable item to different inventory sets. For example, allocate 100 of a sellable item to inventory set A, and 40 of the same sellable item to inventory set B.

  • Transfer quantities of sellable items between different inventory sets.

Customer management

You can update and manage customer accounts and information. For example, you can:

  • Search for individual customers.

  • Check addresses, customer orders, and entitlements.

Order management

You can capture and manage orders, including payment and fulfillment options, RMAs (Return Merchandise Authorizations) and refunds, and preorders and backorders.  For example, you can:

  • View order details, grand totals, and payment totals.

  • Allow RMAs.

  • List the entitlement sellable items, such as subscription products, that are associated with an order, including details and any disabled or canceled entitlements.

  • Add new items, edit item amounts, or delete items for pending orders.

  • Search the catalog associated with the order and add sellable items or sellable item variants.

  • Cancel, hold, release, or undo holds, and set fulfillment on groups of orders.

Promotion management

You can define, evaluate, and apply promotions to sellable items, at defined levels of granularity. For example, you can:

  • Promote a sellable item or collection of sellable items through tags.

  • Qualify promotions based on rule-based expressions, such as channel, date/time, catalog, shop, or customer order history, and apply multiple qualifications to a promotion.

  • Award a benefit to a sellable item using a sellable item level adjustment, a cart level adjustment, or an entitlement or action on an entitlement, such as extending a warranty or subscription.

  • Qualify promotions using coupons that are applied as public coupons that are named, multi-use coupons for every customer to use, or private coupons that are single-use or single customer coupons.

  • Process and present promotions in a shopping cart as the customer is using it.

  • Calculate bulk promotions for a shopping cart as the customer is using it.

  • Retrieve related promotions for a sellable item.

Pricing management

You can create and manage pricing scenarios. For example, you can:

  • Define price books and price cards to define levels of granularity of pricing for a specific sellable item, or for a range of sellable items.

  • Define list or sell prices for multiple currencies.

  • Define pricing rules by date or quantity.

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