Share content as a delegated area

Version: 10.0

As well as sharing presentation and data sources between sites in the same tenant, you can also share pages. Sharing content as a delegated area lets you control the content from one central location in the content tree.


You must set permissions on the master site level because changes will propagate to all local sites that use content from the master site as a delegated area.

If you edit a field in the original item and save it, SXA updates the field in all the cloned items in the delegated area. If you enable the use of the SXA delegated area when you clone items from a master site to a local site, you cannot change these items locally. This is because a clone is an item that is not just a copy of the original item, but one that inherits the field values from the original item. This can be convenient, for example, if you want to reuse blog posts from your master site and do not want to have to add every new blog post manually.

To share pages:

  1. In the Content Editor, navigate to the item that you want to share. This can be a single page item or a branch.

  2. On the Configure tab, in the Clones group, click Clone.

  3. In the Clone Item dialog box, select the location where you want to store the clone and click Clone.

  4. Because you are working with an SXA site, the Information dialog box appears. To make the clone an SXA delegated area, click Yes.

    Delegated area message

    The clone you created is part of an SXA delegated area, and is automatically managed by SXA, therefore you cannot change the items locally.

    Clone that is part of a delegated area
  5. To see the delegated areas in your site, navigate to your site\Settings\ and in the Data section, you can see a list of the delegated areas.

    List of delegated areas in the Content Editor

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