Upgrade JSS 22.0.0 Next.js apps to version 22.1

Version: 22.x

This topic covers most of the changes you must make to your existing JSS 22.0.0 applications to take advantage of the new features in version 22.1, including metadata-based editing for Pages. However, because of the nature of JavaScript and Next.js application development, this topic doesn't account for all the customization you might have in your existing application.


The new metadata-based editing architecture provides improved page speeds when visually editing in Pages. It's also significantly easier to configure and maintain than the older, chromes-based architecture. As such, we strongly recommend updating all your apps to use metadata editing mode. The metadata mode is enabled by default for all new apps created from the JSS 22.1 starter kit.

While upgrading, consider the JSS templates and add-ons you used when creating your Next.js application. You can find them in your package.json file. For example, a JSS 22.0.0 application included in the XM Cloud starter foundation uses the following templates and add-ons:

  • nextjs 

  • nextjs-xmcloud 

  • nextjs-sxa 

  • nextjs-multisite 

Before you begin
  • If you haven't already done so, upgrade your app to JSS 22.0.0.

  • Familiarize yourself with the changelog. If your application is heavily customized, the changelog can provide guidance on what additional changes you need that are not covered in this topic.

This topic describes how to:

Update application dependencies in your existing app

For your upgraded application to work correctly, you will need to update dependencies.

To update your dependencies:

  1. In your existing application's package.json file:

    • Update every @sitecore-jss package to version ~22.1.

    • Update the @sitecore-cloudsdk/events package to version ^0.3.1.

    • Update the @types/node package to version ^20.14.2.

  2. Install the dependencies with the following command:

    npm install
  3. We highly recommend you install version 0.32.6 of the sharp image processing library using the following command. This is to improve memory usage of the image optimization feature:


Create a JSS 22.1 Next.js application

To simplify the upgrade process as much as possible, create a JSS 22.1 Next.js application with the XM Cloud add-on. You can then copy some files from this app into your existing app.

To create a JSS 22.1 Next.js application with the XM Cloud add-on included:

  1. In a console, run the following command:

  2. If prompted to install the [email protected] package, answer y.

  3. Enter the folder path for the JSS 22.1 Next.js app. For example, enter ./jss221, to create the app folder in your current working directory.

  4. Follow the remaining prompts, selecting the same options for data fetching (GraphQL or REST) and prerendering (SSG or SSR) as in your existing application.

  5. When asked if you are building for Sitecore XM Cloud, answer y to install the XM Cloud add-on.

  6. Select other add-ons used by your existing application and press Enter.

The script then installs the application dependencies.

Update the Next.js template files in your existing app

This explains how to synchronize files in your existing application with corresponding files from your new JSS 22.1 app.

To update the Next.js template files:

  1. If you have not customized the scripts/generate-config.ts file, replace it with the 22.1 version. Otherwise, modify your file as follows:

    • In the configText prop assignment, add a trim method call after config[prop]?, such as:

    • At the end of that assignment, replace the comma before the newline character with a semicolon:

      // Before
      // After

    Here's an example of the updated assignment suitable for JSS 22.1:

    configText += `config.${prop} = process.env.${constantCase(prop)} || '${config[prop]?.trim()}';\n`;
  2. If you have not customized the lib/next-config/plugins/cors-header plugin, replace it with the 22.1 version. Otherwise, modify your file as follows:

    • Because cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is now handled by API handlers or middleware, remove the following CORS header for API endpoints:

        source: '/api/:path*',
        headers: [
            key: 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin',
            value: config.sitecoreApiHost.replace(/\/$/, ''),
  3. Because ComponentConsumerProps has been removed, if you have any import statements that reference it, update them all to use WithSitecoreContextProps instead.

  4. Because the resolvePageUrl function now accepts an object, and because serverUrl is now optional, the latter is omitted if the metadata edit mode for Pages is enabled. If you've customized the pages/api/editing/render.ts file and you currently pass the resolvePageUrl function into EditingRenderMiddleware, modify your file as follows:

    • Replace the existing handler initialization with the following:

      const handler = new EditingRenderMiddleware({
        resolvePageUrl: ({ serverUrl, itemPath }) => `${serverUrl}${itemPath}`,

    If you haven't customized pages/api/editing/render.ts, you don't need to make any new changes to it for this release.

  5. If your app contains any references to the now-deprecated EditingComponentPlaceholder or the RenderingType enum, such as the following example in [[...path]].tsx, delete them:

    import Layout from 'src/Layout';
    import { RenderingType, EditingComponentPlaceholder } from '@sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-nextjs';
    const isComponentRendering =
      layoutData.sitecore.context.renderingType === RenderingType.Component;
    {isComponentRendering ? (
      <EditingComponentPlaceholder rendering={layoutData.sitecore.route} />
    ) : (
      <Layout layoutData={layoutData} headLinks={headLinks} />
  6. If you use the next/image component (instead of built-in JSS components such as Image, Banner, and so on) to render Sitecore images, we recommend you configure it to conditionally disable Next.js image optimization in edit and preview modes.


    This process is not necessary when using next/image to load static images or images from external sources.

    The following example describes one way you can implement conditional optimization, involving fetching the page state and using it to dynamically initialize a prop named unoptimized:

    • In your custom code (such as a custom component), add a new import statement together with two new definitions, as follows:

      import { useSitecoreContext } from '@sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-nextjs';
      const { sitecoreContext } = useSitecoreContext();
      const unoptimized = sitecoreContext.pageState !== LayoutServicePageState.Normal;
    • In your next/image component, add the following rendering that includes the newly-defined unoptimized prop:

      <Image {...props} unoptimized={unoptimized}/>

    Built-in JSS components use conditional image optimization by default.

Update the XM Cloud add-on

To update the XM Cloud add-on:

  1. If you have not customized the /src/Scripts.tsx file, replace it with the 22.1 version. Otherwise, modify it as follows:

    • Add the following import statement:

      import { EditingScripts } from '@sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-nextjs';
    • Add an EditingScripts component:

      <EditingScripts />

    Here's an example of the updated file suitable for JSS 22.1:

    import { EditingScripts } from '@sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-nextjs';
    const Scripts = (): JSX.Element | null => (
        <EditingScripts />
  2. If you have not customized the /src/lib/dictionary-service-factory.ts file, replace it with the 22.1 version. Otherwise, modify it as follows:

    • Add the useSiteQuery parameter to the GraphQLDictionaryService initialization:

      useSiteQuery: true,

    Here's an example of the updated initialization suitable for JSS 22.1:

    new GraphQLDictionaryService({
      useSiteQuery: true,
  3. If you have not customized the /lib/page-props-factory/plugins/personalize.ts file, replace it with the 22.1 version. Otherwise, modify it as follows:

    • Update the personalizeLayout function call to pass personalizeData.componentVariantIds as a parameter, such as:

      // Get variant(s) for personalization (from path)
      const personalizeData = getPersonalizedRewriteData(path);
      // Modify layoutData to use specific variant(s) instead of default
      // This will also set the variantId on the Sitecore context so that it is accessible here
  4. If you have not customized the /lib/page-props-factory/plugins/preview-mode.ts file, replace it with the 22.1 version. Otherwise, modify it as follows:

    • Prepare personalizeData.componentVariantIds and add it as a parameter of the personalizeLayout function call, such as:

      import {
      } from '@sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-nextjs';
      props.headLinks = [];
      const personalizeData = getGroomedVariantIds(variantIds);
  5. If you have not customized the lib/middleware/plugins/personalize.ts file, replace it with the 22.1 version. Otherwise, modify it as follows:

    • In the personalizeMiddleware constructor signature, locate the following line within cdpConfig if present:

      scope: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_PERSONALIZE_SCOPE,
    • If it is present, move that line to the root of the constructor signature, outside of cdpConfig.

    Here's an example of the updated constructor signature suitable for JSS 22.1:

    this.personalizeMiddleware = new PersonalizeMiddleware({
      cdpConfig: {
      scope: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_PERSONALIZE_SCOPE,

    Keeping this scope within cdpConfig will continue to work for now, but this approach is deprecated and will no longer be supported after the next major release of JSS.

  6. (Optional) Specify the edit mode used for Pages. If not specified, this is set to EditMode.Metadata by default.


    With the introduction of editing metadata architecture for Pages, JSS now uses metadata for editing as standard. We strongly recommend you use this new method to take advantage of faster page speeds and simpler configuration. If, however, you want to continue using the older, chromes-based editing architecture for now, you can manually apply this setting.

    To specify the edit mode, make the following changes to your \src\pages\api\editing\config.ts file:

    • Add the following import statement:

      import { EditMode } from '@sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-nextjs';
    • In the handler definition, add one of the following property assignments based on your preferred editing method:

      // Use only one of the following
      pagesEditMode: EditMode.Metadata, // Newer, recommended method (default)
      pagesEditMode: EditMode.Chromes, // Older method

    Here's an example of the updated definition specifically using metadata, suitable for JSS 22.1:

    const handler = new EditingConfigMiddleware({
      pagesEditMode: EditMode.Metadata,

    If you've decided to use the new metadata architecture, you will also need to follow the rest of the steps in this section; otherwise, you can skip those steps and proceed to update the SXA add-on.

  7. Copy the lib/graphql-editing-service.ts file from your new 22.1 app into your existing app.

  8. If you have not customized the lib/page-props-factory/plugins/preview-mode.ts file, replace it with the 22.1 version. Otherwise, modify it as follows:

    • Ensure your file imports all of the following classes and functions required for metadata editing integration:

      import {
      } from '@sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-nextjs';
      import {
      } from '@sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-nextjs/editing';
      import { graphQLEditingService } from 'lib/graphql-editing-service';
    • In the PreviewModePlugin class declaration, locate the existing data assignment, such as:

      const data = await editingDataService.getEditingData(context.previewData);
    • Immediately before that assignment, add the following new condition for processing editing page props in metadata mode:

      // If we're in Pages preview (editing) Metadata Edit mode, prefetch the editing data
      if (isEditingMetadataPreviewData(context.previewData)) {
        const { site, itemId, language, version, variantIds } = context.previewData;
        const data = await graphQLEditingService.fetchEditingData({
          siteName: site,
        if (!data) {
          throw new Error(
            `Unable to fetch editing data for preview ${JSON.stringify(context.previewData)}`
        props.site = data.layoutData.sitecore.context.site as SiteInfo;
        props.locale = context.previewData.language;
        props.layoutData = data.layoutData;
        props.dictionary = data.dictionary;
        props.headLinks = [];
        const personalizeData = getGroomedVariantIds(variantIds);
        return props;
    • We recommend you update the code comment in front of the older assignment statement to differentiate it from the new addition, such as:

      // If we're in preview (editing) Chromes Edit mode, use data already sent along with the editing request
      // This mode is used by the Experience Editor.
      // In Pages it's treated as a legacy mode but is still supported for backward compatibility.
      const data = await editingDataService.getEditingData(context.previewData);
  9. For metadata-based editing in Pages, the field.editable property has been superseded by field.metadata. If you have any custom field components that refer to field.editable, you need to rework your custom code to replace those references.


    Experience Editor and chromes-based editing still relies on field.editable.

Update the SXA add-on

To upgrade the SXA add-on:

  • Replace the following files with the new versions from your 22.1 app:

    • src/components/Image.tsx 

    • src/components/Promo.tsx 

    • src/components/Title.tsx 

    • src/assets/sass/components/title/_component-title.scss 

Replace the import path for editing utilities

We're moving all editing utilities currently located at @sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss/utils, so if you currently refer to this path in any of your import statements you will need to update them to use the new path @sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss/editing instead.

This change affects the following utilities:

  • ChromeCommand 

  • DefaultEditFrameButton 

  • DefaultEditFrameButtonIds 

  • DefaultEditFrameButtons 

  • EditButtonTypes 

  • EditFrameDataSource 

  • ExperienceEditor 

  • FieldEditButton 

  • handleEditorAnchors 

  • HorizonEditor 

  • isEditorActive 

  • mapButtonToCommand 

  • Metadata 

  • resetEditorChromes 

  • WebEditButton 


The older path will only continue to work until the next release of JSS. Therefore, we strongly recommend you make the necessary changes as soon as possible.

Next steps

To finalize the upgrade process, make sure you resolve any errors and warnings you encounter. Enable debug logging for JSS specific issues to assist you if necessary.

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