Caching SXA Storefront renderings

Version: 10.2

Sitecore supports rendering caching that allows you to cache the HTML output of the rendering. You can control when cached data is used and when it’s discarded and rendered again by changing the caching settings for renderings and components.

Shows the HTML cache where MVC renderings are stored.

Caching settings on renderings

You can configure caching settings on the rendering item in the Content Editor. For example, you can find the Commerce renderings for SXA Storefront in the /sitecore/layout/Renderings/Feature/Experience Accelerator/Commerce folder:

Shows caching configuration for Commerce renderings for the SXA Storefront.

If you use a rendering on multiple tenants, sites, pages or partial designs, these settings apply to all instances of the rendering unless the settings are overwritten for a specific component. Additionally, you can improve the processing time by setting the SXA HTML caching options, which minimize the number of times Sitecore processes renderings.

Caching settings on Experience Editor components

You can configure caching settings for a rendering in the Control Properties dialog box. You do this in the Experience Editor:

Shows the caching settings in the Experience Editor Control properties.

These settings only apply to the component on one page or partial design – you configure the caching settings separately for each component that uses the rendering.


The Vary by URL and Vary by Currency options do not appear in the Control Properties dialog box. To select these options, you must configure the settings on the rendering item.

Default caching settings for Commerce renderings for SXA

The Commerce renderings in the following table are all configured as Cacheable by default. The table indicates the other default caching settings for each rendering:


Clear on Index Update

Vary By URL

Vary By Currency

Vary By Login

Vary By Query String

Category Navigation


Subcategory Navigation


Product Facets


Product Images


Product Information




Product List




Recommended Products



Related Items


Language Selector


Search Bar



We recommend that you do not change the caching settings. The default settings take the context of each rendering into account. For example, each product-related rendering is used to display many different products. If the Vary By URL option is not selected, the cached output for the wrong product can be displayed. For example, in the following scenario:

The customer views product A ( HabitatDwell2-SliceToasterandOvenCombination_6042855) and Sitecore caches the output. Then the customer navigates to product B ( Appliances_appliances/shop/Appliances_appliances/HabitatProServices—ApplianceRepair_6042879). Because the page uses the same renderings, Sitecore displays the cached details for product A, which is incorrect.

If the Vary by URL setting is selected, the cache is updated when the page for product B is requested.

Default caching settings for SXA renderings in SXA Storefront

The default caching settings for the (not Commerce-specific) SXA renderings that are used in the SXA Storefront are set on the partial designs and page items that use the renderings.

The Carousel rendering is used on the SXA Storefront Home page and the Logo rendering is used in the header partial design for the SXA Storefront.

The SXA renderings that are used in the SXA Storefront are configured as Cacheable, and have the following default caching settings:


Clear on Index Update

Vary By URL

Vary By Currency

Vary By Login

Vary By Query String





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