Walkthrough: Setting up a value provider for prefilling forms

Version: 10.2

Prepopulated field values in forms save your users time and improve consistency. This walkthrough is part three of the prefilling forms walkthrough series and describes how to implement a value provider that prefills name and email fields.

This walkthrough describes how to:

  • Create the provider class

  • Create the provider item

  • Create the form

  • Add the redirection link

  • Check the prefilled form result

Create the provider class

When you create a value provider, you must create a class that inherits from the IFieldValueProvider interface.

To create the provider class:

  1. In your Visual Studio project, create a folder and name it ValueProviders.

  2. In the ValueProviders folder, create the UserProfileFieldValueProvider class and inherit from the IFieldValueProvider class.

  3. Implement the GetValue method to return an object of any type. This object would be cast in the InputViewModel implementation to the appropriate type.

    The parameters for the UserProfileFieldValueProvider  class are stored as plain strings. For example: email, fullname, or any other user profile property key you would like to use.

    You could store any other data for the parameters, for example, as JSON or XML, and parse that data in your value provider implementation.

     public class UserProfileFieldValueProvider : IFieldValueProvider
            public User User => Context.User;
            public FieldValueProviderContext ValueProviderContext { get; set; }
            public object GetValue(string parameters)
                if (User == null || !User.IsAuthenticated)
                    return string.Empty;
                switch (parameters)
                    case "name":
                    case "username":
                        return User.Name;
                    case "email":
                        return User.Profile.Email;
                    case "fullname":
                        return User.Profile.FullName;
                        return User.Profile[parameters] ?? string.Empty;

Create the provider item

To create the provider item:

  1. Go to /sitecore/system/Settings/Forms,  right-click Value Providers, click Insert, and click Insert from Template.

  2. Click the /sitecore/templates/System/Forms/Value Provider template.

  3. In the Item Name field, enter a name and click Insert.

  4. Go to the item you just created, and in the Settings section, in the Model Type field, set the value to the class type name. For example, ValueProviderSample.FieldValueProviders.UserProfileFieldValueProvider.

  5. Save the item.

Create the form

To create a form:

  1. On the Forms dashboard, click Create and click Blank form.

  2. In the Form elements pane, drag the Email element to the page. In the Label field enter Email.

  3. Drag the Single-line text element to the page. In the Label field, enter Fullname.

  4. Click the Email field, and in the Form elements pane, in the Advanced settings section, in the Value provider field, select the provider you created earlier.

  5. In the Value provider parameters field, enter fullname.

  6. Click the Email field, and in the Form elements pane, in the Advanced settings section, in the Value provider field, select the provider you created earlier.

  7. In the Value provider parameters field, enter email.

  8. Save the form and name it User Profile Form.

  9. Add the User Profile Form to a web page and name it User Profile Page.

  10. Add the Logout form that you created in the previous walkthrough to this User Profile Page.

To add the redirection link:

  1. Add a Redirect to Page submit action to the Login Form. Click User Profile web page as the redirect to page.

  2. In the Register Form, redirect the page to the Login Web Page after the registration is successful.

  3. In the Logout Form, redirect to the Login Web Page when the logout is successful.

Check the prefilled form result

To check the prefilled form results:

  1. In the Register dialog box, register a user. Then, in the Login Page, log in using the email address and password of the user.

  2. After login success, the User Profile page displays the full name and email address of this user. To logout from the User Profile page, click Logout. If there is no user logged in, the User Profile page is left blank.

    Register dialog box with password confirmation.

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