The CLI dbcleanup command

Current version: 10.3

The Sitecore CLI Database Cleanup plugin performs database cleanup according to the provided tasks.


The dbcleanup command requires elevated permissions.

You can use the dbcleanup command as follows:

  sitecore dbcleanup [options]


The dbcleanup command has the following options:



–db <list-of-databases>

--database <list-of-databases>

Comma-separated list of databases targeted for cleanup tasks.

–cf, --clean-fields

Clean up fields. Deletes data from shared, unversioned, and versioned fields that have no related items.

–cof, --clean-orphanfields

Clean up orphaned fields. Cleans the field data from the orphans removed in items with no parent.

–cb, --clean-blobs

Clean up blobs. Deletes blob fields that have no related field.

–c, --config

Path to root sitecore.config directory.

Default: current working directory.

–n, --environment-name

Named Sitecore environment to use.

Default: "default".

–v, --verbose

Write some additional diagnostic and performance data.

–t, --trace

Write more additional diagnostic and performance data.

–?, -h, --help

Display developer help and usage information about the command.


The following are examples of using the dbcleanup subcommand:



sitecore dbcleanup

Performed all cleanup tasks on all databases.

[Task][core] clean-fields completed
[Task][core] clean-blobs completed
[Task][core] clean-orphanfields completed
[Task][web] clean-fields completed
[Task][web] clean-blobs completed
[Task][web] clean-orphanfields completed
[Task][master] clean-fields completed
[Task][master] clean-blobs completed
[Task][master] clean-orphanfields completed

sitecore dbcleanup --db web, master --cb

Performed the clean-blobs task for Web and Master databases.

[Task][web] clean-blobs completed
[Task][master] clean-blobs completed

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