Recommendations: Sharing content

Version: 10.0

SXA lets you share styles, data sources, page designs, partial designs, and rendering variants between the sites within one tenant. 

This topic describes recommendations for sharing content with SXA.

Consider using a shared site as the exclusive style container in a tenant

When you decide to mark a site in a tenant as shared, it contributes its styles to all other sites in that tenant. Consider removing redundant styles and use the shared site’s styles instead. Otherwise, your editor is presented with duplicated styles.

Consider defining your rendering variants in the shared site

SXA lets you share styles, data sources, page designs, partial designs, and rendering variants between the sites within one tenant. When you decide to mark a site in a tenant as shared, all its rendering variants are made available for all other sites in that tenant. Consider using these rendering variants and remove the redundant versions from other sites. Otherwise, you may end up with duplicated variants presented to your editor.

Consider defining your page designs and partial designs in the shared site

When you decide to mark a site in a tenant as shared, all its Page Designs and Partial Designs are made available for all other sites in that tenant. Consider designing them once in the shared site and re-using them in other sites. This practice allows you to manage the designs centrally and automatically publish designs across all sites using them.

Consider using delegated areas for pages that share content across sites

SXA provides a functionality to share presentation and data sources between sites in the same tenant. To share pages between websites, consider sharing content as a delegated area. Whenever you have a set of pages that you want to centrally manage but then publish across multiple sites – delegated areas are the way to go. For example, if you want to reuse blog posts from your master site and do not want to have to add every new blog post manually.

If you edit a field in the original item and save it, SXA updates the field in all the cloned items in the delegated area. If you enable the use of the SXA delegated area when you clone items from a master site to a local site, the cloned items are automatically updated and published whenever the original items are.

Consider creating a master site to clone for a rollout to new markets

To speed up rolling out the site you are creating to new regions and users, consider creating a master site that has all the basic functionality and stub content required by new projects. After the site creation, leverage the SXA’s site cloning functionality to speed up the process of the rollout for new users.

Packaging tenants with the SXA Tenant Exporter is the easiest way to move tenants between environments

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