Classify a media item as a digital marketing asset
When creating marketing campaigns, you may want to track how contacts interact with media items, such as PDFs, videos, or other documents that are on your website. You can do this by classifying media items as digital marketing assets.
Media items are items in the Media Library that are based on the /sitecore/Templates/System/Analytics/Marketing Taxonomy/Base/Classification/Media classification template.
Digital marketing assets are media items to which you apply a taxonomy tag and apply a download event. Examples of digital marketing assets are whitepapers, webinars, or other downloadable interactive content.
Once you have applied the taxonomy tag and the download event to a digital asset, you can then gather information on how contacts interact with that item. You can use Experience Analytics to track asset downloads and engagement value. You can use the Path Analyzer to view the paths that contacts take to reach the asset.
To classify a media item as a digital marketing asset:
On the Sitecore Launchpad, open the Media Library.
In the content tree, click the media item that you want to use as an asset.
On the Content tab, under Classification, in the Marketing asset field, select Asset from the drop-down menu. This tags the media item as an asset in the Marketing Control Panel.
On the Analyze tab in the ribbon, click Attributes.
In the Attributes dialog box, on the Events tab, select Download and click OK.
Click Save and then, on the Media tab, click Deploy.
You can now associate the media item with campaigns, events, and goals, and gather analytics information about how contacts interact with the digital marketing asset.